Roman empire major events

By tr3y71
  • 122

    The Hadrian wall is built

    IN 122 the Hadrian wall is built
  • 218

    Hannibal invades Rome

    Starts the second Punic War
  • 306

    Constantine becomes empire

    Rome becomes a christian empire and Constantine takes over.
  • 380


    In theyear 380 Rome announces Christianity as their main religion.
  • 395

    Rome splits

    Rome splits into the Eastern and western Empire
  • 410

    Visigoths attack rome

    Visigoths attack rome and this is the first time in 800 years that rome loses to their enemy.
  • 476

    Ancient Rome and western rome falls

    Last emperor of Rome Romulus Augustus is defeated by german goths
  • 509

    Rome becomes Republic

    IN 509 BCE Rome gets rid of their last king and gets ruled by senators
  • Dec 7, 753

    Rome gets founded!

    Rome is founded by Romulus in 753BCE
  • Dec 7, 1453

    Byzantine Empire falls

    The byzantine empire falls to the Ottoman Empire.
  • Octavius calles himself Augustus and Empire begins

    In 27 BCE The Roman empire Begins with Octavius
  • Julius Caesar Assassinated

    In 44 BCE Julius Caesar is Assassinated
  • Julius Caesar becomes dictator

    Julius becomes the first Dictator in 45 BCE
  • Rome gets burned

    Nero Sets fire to Rome and blames it on the Christians in the year 64.
  • Colosseum is built

    In the year 80 the colosseum is built