western roman empire falls
the roman empire fell a while after it was split into two halfs. the western part fell as the east flourished.the west fell due to the visigoths and other barbaric raids and flat out bad rulers this happened in 476 ad. at this point the government had changed dramaticlly and the empire had grown much after it was founded. -
rome becomes a republic
rome becomes a republic. this made the government much more stable. this happened in 500 bc. this had changed the roman government and basically the romans way of life for years to come -
Jan 1, 753
rome founded by romulus and remus
it was said that these were the first romans in existance an that they were raised by a she wolf. this happened in 753 bc -
Jan 1, 1453
constantinople falls
at this time the eastern roman empire fell and that is the end of the romans. the empire came down to be just a small kingdom and even then constatinople barely survived -
julius was killed
44 BC Gaius Julius Caesar was killed by several senators including sextus and brutus. this is just extra information and this happened in 44 bc -
rome has is first dictator
julius ceaser refused to give poower back to the senate and became romes first dictator. this also changed the empire dramatically as this is a cause of its downfall and collapse. this happened in 49bc -
punic wars
this part of the time line is showig the second punic war. this is showing how much the roman army inmproved and changed and it also shows the roman army had an iron fist at this point. this happended in 218 bc -
empire splits in half
the empire is broken into halfs, the east and the west. this changed the empire from a suceeding empire to an falling empire.