750 BCE
Romulus founds (starts) Rome
In Roman mythology, Romulus and Remus are twin brothers, that where the founders of rome. -
410 BCE
Visigoths sack Rome
The city was attacked by the Visigoths which then made for no long the state captial. -
357 BCE
Christianity declared sole religion by Theodosius I
Was trying to get Christianity to happen then it later happen. -
247 BCE
Hannibal invades Italy
Hannibal disliked the Romans so he started a war. -
63 BCE
Caesar Augustus becomes Emperor
Augustus took the throne after his uncle's death,Julius Caesar. -
44 BCE
Julius Caesar killed
Julius was stabbed to death -
27 BCE
Pantheon constructed by Hadrian
Pantheon was destroyed in a fire.Then soon got rebuit. -
1 CE
Crucifixion of Jesus Christ
We all know about the Crucifixion about Jesus.Which he said, "Father,forgive them, for what they don't know what they're doing."