
Roman empire

By arnau69
  • 753 BCE

    753 bc

    753 bc
    fundation of rome has said the legend by two brothers Romul and
  • 509 BCE

    509 bc

    509 bc
    republic after excluded the after king Tarquin el Superb
  • 27 BCE

    27 bc

    27 bc
    Cesar agust, was the firts emperor
  • 1 CE

    year 1

    year 1
    birth of christ and start's the calendari
  • 312

    312 ac

    312 ac
    The emperor constantinhe transferred the capital of the empire to Constantinople
  • 395

    395 ac

    395 ac
    Die Teodosi and distribuite the empire, his son Arcadi leaves the east and honors the west.
  • 476

    476 ac

    476 ac
    Romul the last emperor of occident Delivered to the empire of the Germanic leadership Odoacre.