Roman Empire

  • 127

    the Roman empire Began- 27 BC

    Augustus Caesar becomes the first roman emperor. He made remarkable changes and for the first two centuries the amount of stability would be know as the pax romana
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    Julius Caesar was assassinated- 44 BC

    Julius Caesar was assassinated on March 15th 44BC by his own senators.
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    Julius Caesar becomes the first dictator of rome- 45 BC

    Julius Caesar born 12th of july 100 BC would grow up to be known as the greatest military strategist and brilliant politicians of all time.
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    Roma introduces the Aureus- 50 BC

    This was romes first gold coin and was used primarily for trading from 1st century BC to 4th century AD and would be later replaced by the solidus.
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    Much of rome burns- 64 AD

    Nero set fire to rome and blames the christians for it
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    Colosseum is built

    The Colosseum was built in 80 AD. it was celebrated with a 100 days of games in the colosseum
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    Roma expelled all non-roman citizens- 98 BC

    This drastic point in the rome history allowed only slaves and roman citizens to stay in rome.
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    Hannibal invades italy- 218 BC

    After the punic war there was a peace between Carthage and Romans. Up til Hannibals father Hamilcar died and Hannibal took power. He planned to control northern italy.
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    Constantine becomes Emperor- 306 AD

    Rome becomes a christian empire after Constantine takes power
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    Rome Splits- 395 AD

    Rome split into two empires - the western and eastern Roman Empire. each side had a ruler in charge of it. Split made my theodsius
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    Visigoths sack Rome

    The first time in 800 years rome fell to an enemy and creats an uproar
  • 449

    The Laws of the Twelve Tables- 449 BC

    It is one of the earliest surviving law codes. It was made to protect the legal, social and, civil rights
  • 476

    The fall of Rome

    The last Roman Emperor Romulus Augustus is defeated by the German Goth Odoacer. also beging the dark ages in europe.
  • 509

    Rome becomes a Republic- 509 BC

    Rome had developed into a large city empire and had been ruled a king since the beginning. it all started when the romans overthrew their Etruscan conqueror.
  • Jan 1, 753

    Roman empire begins- 753 BC

    Romulus and Remulus founded the city as ledged stated