Roman empire

  • Period: 10,000 BCE to 3500 BCE


  • Period: 3500 BCE to 476


    Antiquity, also means the historical period away from today. The Ancient Age is the period of history that is counted from the development of writing, approximately 4000 BC, until the fall of the Western Roman Empire, in 476 of the Christian era.
  • Period: 27 BCE to 476

    Roman empire

    The Roman Empire was characterized by an autocratic government in which the administrative, political, military and religious powers were in the hands of an emperor. Throughout imperial history, different dynasties inherited the succession of government and imposed their style on Roman society.
  • 378

    Battle of Andrinopla

    The Battle of Adrianople (Latin: Proelium Hadrianopolitanum) was an armed confrontation that took place on August 9, 378 AD. C. in the plains northwest of the Roman city of Adrianople (present-day Edirne, in European Turkey). In it, the forces of Fritigernus, chief of the Thervingi, and the army of the Eastern Roman Empire commanded by Emperor Flavius ​​Julius Valens (328-378), who died in battle and whose army was annihilated, clashed.
  • 468

    Battle of Cabo Bon

    The Vandals in Africa decisively defeat a Roman-Byzantine coalition.
  • Period: 476 to 1453

    Middle ages

    The Middle Ages, Medieval or Medieval is the historical period of Western civilization between the fifth and fifteenth centuries. Conventionally, its beginning is situated in the year 476 with the fall of the Western Roman Empire and its end in 1492 with the discovery of America,1 or in 1453 with the fall of the Byzantine Empire, a date that has the singularity of coinciding with the invention of the printing press - publication of the Gutenberg Bible - and with the end of the Hundred Years War
  • Period: 476 to 1453

    Imperio Bizancio

    The Eastern Roman Empire was called the Byzantine Empire and lasted for 10 centuries after the fall of the Western Empire. It was one of the great empires in history. Its name, which began to be used in the 16th century, comes from Byzantium, the ancient city on which its capital, Constantinople, was founded
  • 740

    Battle of Akroinon

    The Battle of Akroinon was fought in the year 740 - it is a common misconception to place it in 739 - as part of the Arab-Byzantine wars, between the Arab army of the Umayyad Caliphate and the forces of the Byzantine Empire. Earlier, the Arabs had made regular raids into the Anatolian peninsula, and the Umayyad expedition of 739 was one of the largest of that time.
  • 1071

    Battle of Manzikert

    All of Anatolia is lost to the Turks. Disorganization and internal conflicts result in a humiliating defeat in which the emperor is captured (an event preceded only by Valerian's defeat in 260). This is later released.
  • 1081

    Battle of Dirraquio

    The Battle of Dyrrachium (Latin: Dyrrhachium or Dyrrachium) took place on July 10, 48 BC. C. during the second civil war of the Roman Republic. Julius Caesar and Gnaeus Pompey Magnus clashed in this battle on the outskirts of the city of Dirraquio, now Durrës, in Albania. Pompey defeated Caesar but failed to take the opportunity to annihilate him. Caesar managed to flee and on August 9 of the same year he completely defeated him at the battle of Farsalia.
  • 1097

    Battle of dorilea

    The Battle of Dorylaea was a battle fought by Crusader forces against the Muslims during the First Crusade in the 11th century, at Dorylaea, today an archaeological site near the Turkish city of Eskişehir.
  • 1402

    Battle of Angora

    The Battle of Angora or Battle of Ankara, was fought on July 20, 1402 between Beyazid I (Bayaceto the Lightning), sultan of the Ottoman Empire, and Tamerlán (Temür), in the Çubuk plain, northeast of the city of Ankara , in Anatolia (modern Turkey).
  • 1444

    Battle of Varna

    The Battle of Varna took place on November 10, 1444 near Varna in eastern Bulgaria. In this battle the Ottoman Empire under the command of Sultan Murad II defeated the Polish and Hungarian armies under the command of Vladislaus I of Hungary and John Hunyadi. It was the final battle of the Varna Crusade
  • Period: 1453 to

    Modern age

    The Modern Age is the historical stage that takes place between the fifteenth and eighteenth centuries. In contrast to the Middle Ages, the Modern Age is characterized by cultural progress, discoveries, the creation of States, the development of the economy worldwide and a greater weight of reason over faith
  • Period: to

    Contemporary age

    The Contemporary Age is the historical stage that runs from the French Revolution (1789) to the present. This period is characterized by events such as the industrial revolutions, the two world wars, scientific and technological advances, and the establishment of a capitalist economy.