Roman Empire

  • 753 BCE

    753 BC

    The "foundation of Rome".
  • 509 BCE

    509 BC

    The creation of the Roman Republic.
  • 496 BCE

    496 BC

    Battle of lake Regillus
  • 338 BCE

    338 BC

    Latin war: Rome defeated the Latin League armies.
  • Period: 264 BCE to 146 BCE

    264-146 BC

    The Punic wars.
  • Period: 67 BCE to 62 BCE

    67-62 BC

    Pompey went to the East.
  • 48 BCE

    48 BC

    Pompeyus went to Egypt
  • Period: 31 BCE to 14

    31 BC - AD 14

    Augustus reintroduced monarchy to Rome.
  • Period: 235 to 284

    AD 235-284

    The 3 rd century crisis
  • 410


    The Fall of Rome.