753 BCE
Rome is founded
Romulus founded the city of Rome and established himself as the king. -
Period: 700 BCE to 500 BCE
Roman Kingdom
Roman kings ruled through the sixth and seventh centuries B.C.E. and provided the city with public buildings, paved roads, large temples, and defensive walls. -
509 BCE
Roman Republic
The Roman nobility replaced the monarchy with an aristocratic republic. -
Period: 509 BCE to 27 BCE
Roman Republic
264 BCE
Punic Wars
Romans fought with Carthaginians in three devastating conflicts. After annexing Carthaginian possessions Rome faced conflicts with Antigonids and Seleucids. -
132 BCE
Tiberius Gracchus Assassinated
121 BCE
Gaius Gracchus Assassinated
Gaius was murdered eleven years after his brother by their enemies -
90 BCE
Iron Metallurgy Appeared
87 BCE
Marius Marched Rome
After Rome fell into a civil war in the first century, Marius marched on Rome and placed the city under military occupation. He died the following year -
46 BCE
Julius Caesar names himself dictator
Caesar made himself the master of the Roman State and and named himself dictator -
44 BCE
Julius Caesar is killed
A plot was organized to assassinate Caesar and restore the republic. He was stabbed to death and Rome plunged into a civil conflict that lasted thirteen years. -
27 BCE
Senate bestowed Octavian the title of Augustus
Octavian the nephew and adopted son of Julius Caesar was named Augustus by the Senate and ruled unopposed for for forty-five years -
Period: 27 BCE to 476
Roman Empire
Period: 27 BCE to 120
Pax Romana
The Pax Romana was a era that persisted for two and a half centuries. It was a long era of peace which facilitated trade and communication throughout the region. The reign of Augustus inaugurated the era. -
Jesus of Nazareth is born
Jesus who is viewed as the savior of Christianity was born