roman empire

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    Birth of Julius Caesar 100 BC

    Birth of Julius Caesar 100 BC
    Julius is born in rome. He has three children and his parents names are Aurelia Cotta and Gaius Julius Caesar.
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    Empire gets a new leader 31 BC

    Battle of Actium. Octavian (Agrippa) defeats Antonius and Cleopatra and effectively takes control of the entire empire.
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    the second triumvirate is broken 36 BC

    the second triumvirate is broken 36 BC
    Triumvirate breaks up when M. Aemilius Lepidus is removed from power by Octavian. Octavian leds Rome until he names himself the first Emperor of Rome Augustus.
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    second triumvirate 40 BC

    Founding and reconfirmation of the Second Triumvirate between Octavian, Antony and Lepidus.
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    Ides of March BC

    Ides of March. March 15, Caesar murdered by Brutus, Cassius, and others acting for the Republicans. Octavian returns from Greece.
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    new calendar 46 BC

    Julian calendar is introduced to Rome, and the month of Caesar's birthday, Quinctillis, is renamed as Julius (July).
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    Praetor 62 BC

    Julius Caesar is elected as praetor.
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    first trial 77 BC

    Julius Caesar conducts his first trial. He prosecutes the governor of Macedonia, Gn. Cornelius Dolabella Minor.
  • battle with Pompey 48 BC

    battle with Pompey 48 BC
    Caesar was looking to expand the Roman Empire and take controll of all of it. Pompey allied himself with the Roman Senate agiast Caesar. Pompey was standing in the way of Caesar promotion to power. Caesar defeated Pompey at the battle of Pharsalus.
  • Julius Caesar gets rewarded 80 BC

    Julius Caesar goes with an army under L. Licinius Lucullus to suppress a revolt at the city of Mitylene on the island of Lesbos. He is awarded the corona civica for saving a cohort from destruction.
  • marriage 68 BC

    Julius Caesar marries Pompeia Sulla, the granddaughter of Sulla and a relative of Gn. Pompeius Magnus.
  • First Triumvirate 59 BC

    Caesar elected Consul and the First Triumvirate is formed by M. Licinius Crassus, Gn. Pompeius Magnus and Julius Caesar.
  • 49-45 BC civil war between Caesar and Pompey

    Civil War between Caesar and the Republican forces of Pompey.
  • cross of the Rubicon 49 BC

    caesar crosses the Rubicon and its sign of disrespect to the Roman Senate.