Roman Empire

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    Rule of the five good empereors begins

    The emperors creates a period of peace and harmony known as the Pax Romana. it lasted for about 100 years. In the provencial cities resembled each other with their templates markets and public buildings; taxation was abig thing going on. Latin was the language they mostly spoke
  • 200

    Height of the Roman empire

    trading marketing, silk goods from China, luxury items poured to satisfy wealthy upper class,and farming
  • 200

    Height of Roman Empire part 2

    Temples, market, baths, theater, goverment biuldings, and amphithearters. thousands of people received free grain. Entertainment and Public spectables as part as religious festivals and Gladitorial shows.
  • 476

    Romulus Augustulus Was deposed by Germanic head ofthe army

    He was deposed by germanic head of the army. It fall because of the roman empire
    •christiany weakend Roman military virtues.
    •tradional Roman decline italians gaining prominence empire
    •lead poising water
    •no advance technology
    •Rome was unable to put together a workable political system.