Roman Emperora

  • Period: 63 BCE to 14


    Gavis Octavian Augustus, 63 BC - ad 14 September 23rd August 19th), formerly known as Gaius Octavian Thurinus, one of the three alliance, the first monarch of the kingdom of Rome, founder of heads of state government, ruled Rome for 40 years, is one of the important figures in the history of the world.
  • Period: 42 BCE to 37


    Tiberius Julius Caesar Augustus,December 16th 42 BC - ad 37 in the year of March 16th, the Rome Empire, the emperor of the year AD, the reign of ad - 37 - 14. He inherited by Augustus Empire, by marriage relationship, become the heir of Julius Claudius dynasty. Tiberius personality deep harsh, not universally loved ruling after subjects.
  • Period: 10 BCE to 54


    Flavius Claudius Iovianus,As a soldier, was chosen as the army of the emperor of Rome,in June 26th, 363 years in the death of Julian. The latter is mortally wounded in the fight against the Persian king Shapur II in the battle. Because the Rome army is deep into Persian territory, about security was forced to conclude a peace, under adverse conditions, in order to command his troops back to friendly territory.
  • Period: 10 BCE to 54


    About Claudius quite unexpectedly when the emperor of Rome, he continued to retreat but was continuing to rate, the Persians harassment, at the end of the Griess river was besieged by the enemy. So about to start peace talks with the Persians Claudius, the five eastern border provinces ceded to Persia, including the fortifications of Nici Biss. The city residents tried to persuade about Claudius continue to resist, the answer is all people must be evacuated within three days.
  • Period: 9 to 79


    Vespasian, The ancient Rome Flavian Dynasty first emperor ruled Rome for a period of 69 years, 79 years, he was in Rome last year of the four emperors emperor. He was born in the army, won the throne, and actively cooperate with the Rome Senate, committed to reform the interior, the end of the troubles of the year of the four emperors, and let their children a smooth succession.
  • Period: 15 to 68


    Nero was born at Antium (Anzio) on 15 December AD 37 and was first named Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus. He was the son of Cnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus, who was descended from a distinguished noble family of the Roman republic (a Domitius Ahenobarbus is known to have been consul in 192 BC, leading troops in the war against Antiochus alongside Scipio Africanus), and Agrippina the younger, who was the daughter of Germanicus.
  • Period: 30 to 98


    Nerva He was the first monarch of the ancient empire of the emperor of the emperor of the emperor (96 to 98 years) and the last Roman citizen born on the Italian peninsula.
  • Period: 40 to 81


    Titus, the elder son of emperor Vespasian, was born in AD 39.
    He was educated together with Claudius' son Britannicus, who became a close friend of his.From AD 61 to 63 he served in Germany and Britain as a military tribune.
  • Period: 52 to 117


    Trajan, Is a talent and courage of the great king, he will Rome Empire expanded to the maximum. Trajan is committed to the creation of a happy and passionate fashion Dynasty, as the king of Rome created a bright and happy Dynasty era.
  • Period: 76 to 138


    Publius Aelius Hadrianus was born on 24 January AD 76, probably at Rome, though his family lived in Italica in Baetica. Having originally come from Picenum in north-eastern when this part of Spain was opened up to Roman settlement, Hadrian's family had lived in Italica for some three centuries. With Trajan also coming from Italica, and Hadrian's father, Publius Aelius Hadrianus Afer, being his cousin, Hadrian's obscure provincial family now found itself possessing impressive connections.
  • Period: 86 to 161

    Antoninus pius

    Titus Aurelius Fulvus Boionus Arrius Antoninus was born on 19 September AD 86 at Lanuvium (ca. 20 miles south of Rome). His family had long before come from the city of Nemausus (Nïmes) in southern Gaul, but for a long time since they had been a prominent and distinguished family at Rome.
  • Period: 121 to 180

    Marcus Aurelius

    Marcus Annius Verus was born at Rome on 26 April AD 121.
    His paternal great-grandfather, Annius Verus from Uccubi (near Corduba) in Baetica, had brought the family, wealthy through the production of olive oil, to prominence by gaining the rank of senator and praetor.
  • Period: 161 to 192


    Of the fourteen children of Marcus Aurelius and Faustina the Younger, Commodus was the tenth. He was born one of twins, though his twin brother died when he was only four years old. He was given the name Commodus in honour of Marcus Aurelius' co-emperor, who had originally borne it.
  • Period: 240 to 311


    Born probably near Spalatum (Split) with the name Diocles on 22 December AD 240 or 245, Diocletian was the son of a poor family in Dalmatia.
    It is said, that his father, apparently a scribe of a wealthy senator, might have been a former slave
  • Period: 285 to 337


    Constantine was born in Naissus, Upper Moesia, on 27 February in roughly AD 285. Another account places the year at about AD 272 or 273.
    He was the son of Helena, an inn keeper's daughter, and Constantius Chlorus. It is unclear if the two were married and so Constantine may well have been an illegitimate child.