Period: 800 BCE to 600 BCE
Rome was governed by kings of Latin and Etruschan origin -
Period: 600 BCE to 100 BCE
Rome expanded around the Mediterranean, from the iberian peninsula to the near east provincies -
509 BCE
Lucius Tarquinius Superbus
The last of the kings was Lucius Tarquinius Superbus , a very authoritarian ruler. He was overthrown in 509BC -
Period: 500 BCE to 300 BCE
5th-3rd Century BC
Rome defeated all the remaining Italean peninsula and began to conquest the western Mediterranean -
300 BCE
5th-3rd Century BC
Rome defeated all the Italean Peninsula and conquest the western mediterranean -
Period: 300 BCE to 200 BCE
3rd-2nd Century BC
The punic wars ended and Roma conquest Sicily ,Corsica, North Americaand the most of the Iberean península.
Rome expanded into the Eastern Mediterranean , defeating the Greeks and Macedonians. -
200 BCE
Plebeian revolts
Both tribunes of the plebs, attempted to implement reforms to help the disadvantaged citizens. They were assassinated. -
Period: 200 BCE to 100 BCE
1st Century BC
The Mediterranean became the Roman Mare Nostrum. -
100 BCE
Roman army
The roman army was made up of free men, from the ages of 16 to 60. In the first century BC, it became a professional army. they had a powerful cavalry, but its true military force was the infantry, wich was organisated into legions. The army effectivenees was essential for its rapid extension throughout the Mediterranean. Although it was not very large (around 35000 soldiers) -
Period: 100 BCE to 500
Augustus was the first Roman empiror. Rome reached its greatest territorial extent. -
Period: 100 BCE to 1 BCE
The crisis of the 1st century
The republic was weakened, leading to the creation of two triumvirates. In the first Julio Caeser has the power and being named dictator in perpetuity. In the second the victor was Octavian who proclamied himself emperor. -
71 BCE
The Slave rebellion.
It was led by Spartacus, a gladiator who fought to end slavery. Many slaves joined to him. The rebellion was suppressed in 71 BC -
44 BCE
Julio caesar death´s
He was assassinated in 44 BC -
30 BCE
Roman´s Republic
the romans established the republic.
The Romans divided it among various institutions :
Magistracies-> were the main bodies of goverment. Only patriceans could hold the magistracies.
The Senate-> it was made up of 300 former magistrates
The Comita-> were made up of free citizens, who were organised based their wealth and origin. -
The birth of Christianity
The romans workshipped many gods.They conquered territories and adopted they cultures and incoporated other deities, especially Greece ones. Christianity emerged in the 1st century AD. For two centuries,Christianity were persecuted and many died for they beliefs. Depsite this, the number of followers increassed -
Period: 200 to 100
Pax Romana
The empire experienced a time of peace and stability, reaching its greatest territorial extent. This period is know as the Pax Romana.The territory was organisaded into provincies. The border was protected to prevent the invasion of barbarians. Roman culture was introduced into the conquered territories, this proces is call Romanisation.In the year 212, Emperor Caracalla granated Roman citizenship to all free inhabitants of the Empire -
The crisis of the 3rd Century
The amount of slaves decreassed
Rome had to raise taxes
And have political effects too leading to assassinations of emeperors and civil wars -
The barbarian invasions
The instability of the Empire made it easier for the barbarians to get past the limes. As result the emperors were forced to sing pacts with certain Germanic peoples, giving them territory in exchange for their cooperation against other invaders, this increased their presence in the Empire. -
The incorporation of Christianism
In the year 313, Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, allowing Christianity to worship public. .Fianlly, in the year 380, Emperor Theodosius made Christianity the official religion of the Empire. -
Period: 395 to 410
Division of the Empire
Rome was facing a crisis so Emperor Theodosius decided to divide the empire between its two sons:
Honorius recived the western half.
Arcadius recived the eastern half. -
Period: 410 to 476
Arrival of the Visigoths
The division didnt improve the situation in the western half. The Visigoths were able to cross the borders and ransack Rome -
Period: 476 to 500
The fall of Rome
The Heruli overthrew Romulus Augustus, the last Roman emperor in the West. This event marks the end of Antiquity and the start of the Middle Ages