The Founding Of Rome 1
A long time ago, there was a King who wanted to be King forever! He made a law that their could be no male heirs in his kingdom but, a princess had to twin boys that she names Romulus and Remus. To save her children and her own life, she put them in a basket in the Tiber River and sent them away. They were then found by a she-wolf who raised them and cared for them until a family of farmers came by, killed the she-wolf and took the boys. She raised the boys as his own. -
Founding Of Rome 2
When Romulus and Remus grew up, they decided to form a city. They both wanted to be kings so they both went on a different mountain and waited for signs. Romulus saw 12 vultures so he claimed himself king. Remus thought it as unfair so they had a real fight, with swords in which Remus died. Romulus made Rome and named it after himself. -
I infer that the She-wolf was a very important part in the story of the founding of Rome and that it’s still a very important symbol. I infer that Romulus and Remus grew in a loving family in which they were treated equally. -
Daily Life
Around 800 BC the Etruscan people settled in Etruria. Historians believe they are from the kingdom of Asia Minor. They were Italy’s first civilized people. The Etruscans were pirates known as the “People Of The Sea”. They made many metals and jewels. They used the metals to make different types of tools that they used for farming. They also made jewelry that they traded for other goods they needed. The Etruscans had a very strong army, they had perfect shoes that were perfect to climb and run. -
Religious Beliefs
They were very religious. They built many temples for the many gods that they worshipped. They were polytheistic, meaning that they believed in many Gods. They they thought that the universe was separated into different “provinces” and in the East side there were the Gods of mount Olympus, on the west the gods of the underground. That is why they built most of their temples facing the East. -
Tombs Of Gold
Most of the things historians learned about the Etruscans is from the catacombs. That is where they buried nobles. They believed that after death you enter into the after-life so they put all of their gold in with them. Also, at a funeral, they had a banquet where two slaves would fight to the death. The one who died would join the dead in the catacomb as his servant. The catacombs were built outside of the city underground and put in a cemetery they called necropolis. -
I infer that the Etruscans took advantage as their power in the Sea.
I infer that the death of a person was a very serious ceremony for the Etruscans. -
Etruscans and romans had many differences as well as many similarities. The Etruscans gave many things to the Romans, like their Gods! Etruscans gave romans customs that they modified Romans started doing fights between an animal and a man, two men and a dwarf VS a woman or just two animals against each other. All of this happened in a wonderful building that is still up today, the colosseum. -
The romans also borrowed the triumph from the Etruscans: when a hero came back from the battle field, they would have a parade in his honor. The Romans founded their city according to the Etruscan way of life so we thank them. -
I infer that the romans admired the Etruscans and tried to learn a lot from them.
I infer that without the Etruscans, the Romans would have had completely different Gods and ways of life. History would have changed completely.