Period: 800 BCE to 600 BCE
the monarchy
Romwe was governed by kingsof Latin and Etruscan origin.It became the most powerfulcity in its region known as Latium -
753 BCE
founding of Rome
According to the legend Rome was foundedby the brothers Romulus and Remus who were born of the union between Mars ,god of war,and the daughter of the Etruscan king,They were raised by wolves,and as adults the two brothers had an argument wich end in Remulus defeatof Remusand the founding of Rome -
Period: 600 BCE to 100
the republic
Rome expanded around the Mediterranian,fromthe Iberian Peninsula to the Near East pronvinces -
Period: 300 BCE to 200 BCE
Conquers of 3rd century to 2nd century BC
The punic Wars ended with Carthage`s defeat and the Roman conquest of Sicily,Corsica ,North Africa and the most of the iberiam Peninsula.Then Rome expamded into the eastern Mediterranean, defeating the Greeks and Macedonians. -
Period: 200 BCE to 200 BCE
Plebeian revolts.
In the 2nd century BC,the Gracchus brothers,both tribunes of the plebs,attemped to implement reforms to help the most disadvantage citizens.They were assassinted. -
Period: 100 BCE to 100 BCE
Conquers of the 1st century BC
With the subsequent Annexation of Syria and Egypth,the Mediterranean became the Roman Mare Nostrum.Finally,the Romanssucceededin occupying other parts of Europe:Gaul,Great Britain and partof Central Europe. -
Period: 100 BCE to 44 BCE
The crisis of the 1st century BC:the first triumvirate
Formed by Pompey the Great,Julius Caesar and Marcus Licinus Crassus..differences soon emerged.julius Caesar was ultimately victorious, being named dictator in perpetuity. however, he was assassinated in 44 BC -
Period: 100 BCE to 500
August was the first Roman emperor.Rome reached its greatest territorial extent.The Empire began to decline in the decline in the 3rd ceturyAD. -
Period: 71 BCE to 71 BCE
The slave rebellion
It was led by Spartacus,a gladiator who fought to end savery.Although many slaves joined the cause,the rebelion wassuppressed in 71BC -
Period: 44 BCE to 1 CE
the crisis of the 1 st century BC:the second triumvirate
Formed by the generals Octavian,Marcus ntonius and Marcus Aemilius Lepidus,who chased. The victor was Octavian ,who proclaimed himself emperor. This brought the Rpublic to an end and began the Imperial Perid -
Period: 5 to 300 BCE
Conquers of the 5th century to 3RD century BC
ROme defeated all the remaining peoples of the Italian Peninsula.Once they comtrolled it, the Romans began the conquest of the western Mediterranean.This led the conflict with Carthage,the other great Mediterranean power,in the Punic Wars. -
Period: 395 to 410
Division of the Empire
Facing crisis at all levels ,Emperor Theodosius decided to divide the Empire between his two sons:
Honorius received the western half,with Rome as its capital.
Arcadius received the eastern half, with Constantinople as its capital -
Period: 410 to 476
Arrival of the Visigoths
However, the division did not improve the situation in the western half of the Empire.The Visigoths were able to cross the limes and ransack Rome -
Period: 476 to 476
The fall of Rome
The Heruli overthrew Romulus Augustalus, the last Roman emperor in the west. for many historians, this event marks the end of Antiquity and the start of the Middle Ages.