
  • 7000 BCE

    The origins: Stone Age in Transcaucasia

    In the same way that it happens with the most significant advances of humanity, worth the wheel as an example, we do not know exactly who and when he made wine for the first time. However, there are archaeological remains in the form of seeds of cultivated vines found in Georgia (Caucasus) that have been dated through carbon 14 between the years 7000 and 5000 BC. C.
  • 4000 BCE


    Between 500 and 250 B.C., Rome was conquering all the territories of the Italian Peninsula. Later, it began its expansion in the Mediterranean, converting the conquered territories into provinces of the Empire to which it submitted and exploited
  • 1200 BCE

    The culture

    Roman Culture was the result of the cultural exchange especially of ancient Greek culture and Eastern cultures (especially Mesopotamia and Egypt). The duration of ancient Roman culture in the strict sense lasted nearly 1,200 years but its influence continues until today
  • 753 BCE


    The city of Rome goes créixer dels assentaments on the edge of the Tiber river, an encreuament de tràfic i Comerç. D'acord amb l'evidència archeology the vila of Rome will probably be founded during the 9th century BC by two members of the Italian central tribes
  • 509 BCE


    The Roman Republic will be established in 509 BC, establint a system of magistrats electes annually. The most important were the two consols, which exercised the executive authority of the Imperial Empire and the military command
  • 100 BCE

    Rome grew from settlements

    Archaeological evidence supports the idea that Rome grew from settlements of shepherds on the Palatine hill built in the area of ​​the future Roman Forum. The first settlements date back to the 10th century BC.
  • 68

    Roma Empire

    Ambus the defeat of his enemies, August will seize power absolut, while keeping an imatge of the republican form of govern. Seu successor designat, Tiberi, will seize the sense war or sang power, establint a dynasty that would end the death of Neró in 68 AD.
  • 334

    Roman military colony

    Founded by Emperor Trajan as a military colony, Timgad (in present-day Algeria, Africa) is an unbeatable example of Roman urbanism through grid planning. ...
  • 476

    Empire Romana

    the Roman Empire decayed and the western part disintegrated into a series of independent kingdoms during the 5th century. The Middle Ages are the period following the fall of the Roman Empire, which is traditionally considered 476.
  • 476

    Antiga Rome

    L'antiga Roma is going to be the civilització that is going to leave the city of Rome, from the 9th century BC. Initially a monarchy, a republic will become, and finally an empire that will end up controlling the major part of the Mediterranean and Western Europe
  • 476

    Fall of the Roman Empire

    The triumph of Christianity, which was converted into an official religion by Emperor Theodosius and the elder at the end of the fourth century, further consolidated this unity.
  • 600

    the ninth legion

    This tile with the seal of the Legio IX Hispana (LEG IX HISP), is one of several that have been found in York, England, and is displayed ...