
The origins of Rome

By frarev
  • 753 BCE

    The Origin of Rome

    The Origin of Rome
  • 753 BCE


  • 509 BCE


  • 27 BCE


  • Period: 8 BCE to 6 BCE


    Rome was governed by kings of Latin and Etruscan origin.Is the first system of goverment in Rome was a monarchy which lasted from the founding of the city until 5th century BC.during this period,Rome took the form of a city-state.
    -The senate,made up of the heads of the city´s most powerful
    -The comitia or assemblies made up of the rest of the citizens.the latins,Etruscans and Sabines.They voted to be to choose a monarchy
  • Period: 6 BCE to 1 BCE


    Was a political system which lasted five centuries.After a kings were expelled,power was help by patricians,the heads of the leading families.
    -The magistracies were the main bodies of goverment.Magistrates were elected each year,whith some exceptions.Only patricians could hold magistracies.This situations caused the plebeians,who were excluswed
    -The senate was the most importamtinstitution.It was where major decisions were made.It also had religious functions.
    -The comotia were made up
  • Period: 5 BCE to 3 BCE

    Expansion During The Republic

    with the establishment of the Republic,Rome began a process of territorial expansion through military conquest and alliances whith other peoples.After taking control of the Iralian Peninsula,the Roman army expaned into the rest of the Mediterranean.
  • Period: 3 BCE to 2 BCE

    Punic Wars

    The punic Wars ended with Carthage´s defeat and the Roman conquest of Sicily,Corsica,North Africa and most of the Iberian Peninsula.
    Then Rome expaned into the eastern Mediterranean,defeating the Greeks and Macedonians
  • Period: 2 BCE to 1 BCE

    The Final Expansions

    With the subsequent annexation of Syria and Egypt,the Mediterranean became the Roman mare nostrum. Finally,the romans succeeded in occupying other parts of Europe:Gaul,Great Britain and part of Central Europe
  • 1 BCE

    Crisis of the 1st Century BC-

    Crisis of the 1st Century BC-
  • Period: 1 BCE to 5


    After the Pax Romana,the stability of the Empire was disrupted when Rome faced a series of military,political,economic and social problems.
    August was the first Roman emperor.Rome reached its greatest territorial extent.
  • 395

    Division of the Emperie

    Division of the Emperie
  • Period: 395 to 410

    Division of the Fall of the Empire

    Facing a crisis at alls levels,Emperor Theodosius decided to divide the Empire between his two sons
    -Honorius recived the western
    -Arcardius recived the eastern falf
  • 410

    Arrival of the Visogoths

    Arrival of the Visogoths
  • Period: 410 to 476

    Arrival of the Visogoths

    However,the division did not improve the situation in the western half of the Empire.The Visogoths were able to cross the limes and ransack Rome.
  • 476

    The Fall of Rome

    The Fall of Rome
  • Period: 476 to 476

    The Fall of Rome

    The Heruli overthrew Romulus Augustulus,the last Roman emperor in west.For many historians ,this events marks the end of Antiquity and the start of the Middle Ages