
  • 753 BCE

    Building of Roma

    Building of Roma
    Building of the Rome begins
  • 509 BCE

    Rome public

    Rome public
    Rome becomes a public
  • 44 BCE

    Julius Cesar assesinate

    Julius Cesar assesinate
    Julius Cesar was assesinated
  • 27 BCE

    Augustus emperor

    Augustus emperor
    The first Roman emperor Augustus come to power
  • 43

    Romans invade

    Romans invade
    Romans invade Brtian under Emperor Claudius
  • 61

    Queen Boudicca

    Queen Boudicca
    Queen Boudicca leads revolt against the romans
  • 122

    122 soldiers

    122 soldiers
    122 soldiers built Hadrian’s Wall
  • 410

    End Britain

    End Britain
    The end or Rome rule in Britain
  • 476


    The end of the Western Roman Empire