3500 BCE
Appearance of writing
Roman cursive writing was used during the Roman age in two modalities that constitute two totally different types of writings: the oldest italic (sec. I to III), formed by majestic characters and a writing composed of lowercase letters that unfolds from segle III . https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escritura_cursiva_romana -
Period: 753 BCE to 509 BCE
From there emerges the new Roman state and a political system that gave way to the republic. https://es.vikidia.org/wiki/Antigua_Roma -
Period: 509 BCE to 27 BCE
The Roman Republic consolidated its power in central Italy during the VCentury BC and in the IV and III centuries BC it was imposed as the dominant power of the Italian peninsula subjecting the other peoples of the region and facing the southern Greek polis. https://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/República_romana -
Period: 264 BCE to 241 BCE
Primera guerra púnica
It was the first of the three wars that fought the Carthaginian Republic and the Roman Republic, the two great powers of the Western Mediterranean at that time. For twenty-three years they fought for supremacy on the island of Sicily, its surrounding waters and North Africa, in what was the longest and most continuous warlike conflict in Antiquity, as well as the greatest naval warfare until then. https://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primera_guerra_púnica -
146 BCE
Destruction of Carthage
The battle of Carthage was the final and decisive confrontation of the third Punic war between the Punic city of Carthage in Africa and the Roman Republic. The siege of Carthage lasted two years and ended in the spring with the sacking and total destruction of the city. https://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batalla_de_Cartago_(149_a._C.) -
Period: 46 BCE to 44 BCE
Cesar dictatorship
Cayo Julio César or Gayo Julio César was a Roman politician and military from the I BC. C. member of the patricians Julios Césares who reached the highest magistrates of the Roman State and dominated the politics of the Republic after winning the civil war that confronted the most conservative sector of the Senate. https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julio_C%C3%A9sa -
27 BCE
Augusto the first emperor of rome
Augustus was the successor of Julius Caesar and the first Roman emperor. Since 31 BC, he has ruled the De facto empire, although until the year 27 BC he did not receive the title of princes of the Republic by the Senate, and founded the July-Clàudia dynasty. https://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/August -
Period: 27 BCE to 476
The Roman Empire was a period of Roman civilization in classical antiquity characterized by a form of self-governing government. The birth of the empire is preceded by the expansion of its capital, Rome, which extended its control over the Mediterranean Sea. https://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperi_Rom%C3%A0#Hist%C3%B2ria_de_l'Imperi_Rom%C3%A0 -
Marco Ulpio Trajano was a Roman emperor who ruled from the year 98 until his death in 117, being the first of Hispanic origin and the second of the traditionally called Antonine dynasty or, according to recent proposal, Ulpio-Aelia dynasty. -
Period: 287 to 305
Diocleciano and Maximiano
He was Emperor of Rome from November 20, 284 until May 1, 305. https://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diocleciano maximiano:
He shared the position of Augustus with Diocletian, coemperator and senior emperor, political creator of the tetrarchy. https://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maximiano -
Teosodio divides the empire
Roman Empire of the West is the name that the western part of the Roman Empire received after the administrative division initiated with the tetrarchy of Emperor Diocletian and consolidated by Emperor Theodosius, who divided it between his two sons: Arcadio was appointed Emperor of the East and Honorius of West. https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperio_romano_de_Occidente -
Fall of the empire
The fall of the Roman Empire of the West (also known as the fall of the Roman Empire or the fall of Rome) was the period of decline of the Roman Empire of the West in which it lost the authority to exercise its dominion and its vast territory was divided into numerous entities successor politics https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ca%C3%ADda_del_Imperio_romano_de_Occidente