4000 BCE
Urban civilizations
Urban civilizations are those in which it is developed by
the first time the city. This happened over the year 4,000 a. C. en
Two places close to large rivers, whose valleys are very fertile
https://fetshistorics.files.wordpress.com/2015/09/ledat-antiga1.pdf -
3500 BCE
The emergence of writing around 3500 BC in Mesopotamia, since there are humans that begin to write, today's Iraq marks the beginning of History and its first stage: the Ancient Age .
https://es.slideshare.net/jpicas/ledat-antiga-de-laparici-de-lescriptura-a-la-fi-de-limperi-rom -
753 BCE
The Monarchy
During the first two centuries of existence of Rome, the city was ruled by kings. The king, elected by the senate, concentrated all powers and was a lifelong charge. His was the maximum military and religious power.
In this period, the monarch Numa Pompilio established according to the legend the 12-month calendar.
It will be precisely the year 509 a.C. the end of the Monarchy.
http://www.historiadelascivilizaciones.com/2013/02/antigua-roma-etapas-historicas.html -
509 BCE
The Republic
After the expulsion of the last king, the Romans began a new form of government: the Republic.
From now on, there will be two consuls, elected for one year, who will direct the city in accordance with the Senate.
The different members of the governing apparatus are chosen by the citizens of Rome. The consuls are electors and censors elected by the senate.
http://www.historiadelascivilizaciones.com/2013/02/antigua-roma-etapas-historicas.html -
146 BCE
The destruction of Carthage
During this period, Rome becomes a power that allows it to face Carthage, against those who have maintained three wars. The Roman-Carthaginian rivalry will lead to the destruction of Carthage in 146 BC. during the third Punic war.
In the Republican period the army becomes professional and permanent.
http://www.historiadelascivilizaciones.com/2013/02/antigua-roma-etapas-historicas.html -
91 BCE
Agrarian reform
The situation will enslave the fi del segle II BC amb els germans Gracs, two tribunes that try to approve an agrarian reform that redistributes les terres dels patricis among the plebeus. Both are going to be morte però the Senat will approve some of the reformed per se d'apaivagar als plebeus and class eqüestre. Denying Roman citizenship to les Ciutats Alliades Itàliques goes to the social war from 91 to 88 BC.
https://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antiga_Roma#Rep%C3%BAblica -
44 BCE
The assassination of Julio César
After the assassination of Julio César on March 15 of the year 44 a.C (the idus of March), and once their heads are overcome, a new triumvirate is formed with Octavio, Lépido and Marco Antonio.
http://www.historiadelascivilizaciones.com/2013/02/antigua-roma-etapas-historicas.html -
27 BCE
The first emperor
It will be in the year 27 BC. when Octavio, after defeating his rival Lepidus in 36 BC and Marco Antonio in 31 BC, return peace and become the first emperor. Although the Senate continues to exist, Octavio Augusto achieves for himself all the power. The republic dies and the Empire is born.
http://www.historiadelascivilizaciones.com/2013/02/antigua-roma-etapas-historicas.html -
The Tetrarchy
To maintain peace at the borders, the emperor Diocletian created between 286 and 293 AD. a new form of government the tetrarch, in which there were two western and eastern emperors, each with a successor, his Caesar. By leaving Diocletian the power, the struggle between its successors begins, remaining victorious Constantine, who re-unifies all Roman territory.
http://www.historiadelascivilizaciones.com/2013/02/antigua-roma-etapas-historicas.html -
Germanic avalanche
His successor Theodosius I the Great (379-395) had in his hands the difficult enterprise of injecting new life into the empire, and his management was fortunate. He managed to stop the dreaded Germanic avalanche and his time is spoken of as a "Theodosian revival." But when he died everything went on as before, and even worsened.
https://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antiga_Roma#Monarquia -
The death of Empreror Thedosius
With the death of Emperor Theodosius in 395 AD, the Roman empire is again divided, this time between his two sons: Honorius (the Western Empire with capital in Rome) and Arcadius (the Eastern Empire with capital in Constantinople). The Western Empire and the Eastern Empire will no longer be re-unified.
http://www.historiadelascivilizaciones.com/2013/02/antigua-roma-etapas-historicas.html -
They overthrow Rómulo Augústulo
Finally, the invasions of the fifth century AD diminished the Roman Empire of the West until in 476 AD. the Germanic people of the Herulians overthrow Rómulo Augústulo, the last emperor of Rome, who was 10 years old.