Characters: Cassy, Little Man(Clayton Chester), Stacey, Christopher John and Ma (Mary) Logan. TJ and Claude Avery. Setting: Mississippi, 1930's Conflict: The Logans and other black families aren't being treated fairly -
Rising Action
Mama glued construction paper over the ownership/condition chart in the books. -
Rising Action
Mr. Berry and his nephews were burned by white men. -
Rising Action
The white men were riding and Cassie managed to catch a glimpse of them riding past. -
Rising Action
The Logan kids dug a ditch when it was raining and let the white kids's bus get stuck in it. -
Cassie went to Strawberry with Big Ma, T.J. and Stacey. She was forced to apologize to Lillian Jean and had to call her "Miss Lillian Jean". Cassie started to come out of her 'wonderland' and see the affects of racism. -
Falling Action
Uncle Hammer took the Logan's for a ride in his Silver Packard on a bridge in front of white people, who thought he was Harlan Granger. -
Falling Action
Mary (Ma) took the Logan kids to visit Mr. Berry after he was burned to show that they needed to stay away from the Wallace store. Mary also tried to rally the other African-American families in the community against going to the Wallace store. -
Falling action
T.J. framed Stacey of cheating and Stacey chased T.J. to the Wallace store and beat T.J. up. Cassie, Little Man and Christopher-John followed Stacey. -
Falling Action
On Christmas Eve Papa came home and he, Uncle Hammer and Mr. Morrison told stories. Papa and Hammer told about their childhood and when they stole watermelons from the Ellis'. Mr. Morrison told of the night Night Men killed his family. The next day Jeremy Simms came over, but he wasn't allowed over for long because Papa was wary of Jeremy since he was a white boy. -
Falling Action
Mama got fired from the school. The Logan kids think that T.J. told his new 'friends' (R.W. and Melvin Simms) about Mary and she ended up getting fired. Now the Logan's are worried that they may not have enough money. -
Falling Action
T.J.'s new 'friends' beat him up badly and he went to the Logan's house late at night. R.W. and Melvin had wanted to steal the pearl-handled pistol and ended up being attacked by the shop owner defending his store. The Simms knocked both the shop owner and his wife out and they beat T.J. up when he threatened to tell after the Simms didn't take him home. When the Logan kids walked T.J. home, Melvin, R.W. and some of the Wallace's came just after T.J. entered his house. -
They dragged the Avery's outside and started spewing slurs, then after Mr. Jamison got involved Stacey told his siblings to go back to their house. After Cassie had explained everything, Papa and Mr. Morrison left for the Avery's, Papa bent on getting the white men to stop - even using his shotgun if necessary. While waiting, the storm set the cotton field aflame and Mama and Big Ma went to fight it. everyone from the Wallace's to Stacey (excluding cassie, Little man and Christopher-John). * -
Continuation of Conclusion
- Ended up fighting the fire to keep it from burning everything from the woods to Strawberry. Once the fire was put out and Stacey came back up to the house, he told Cassie everything that had happened after she had left. After that, Cassie put the clues of Mr. Jamison's warning to Papa, the fact that it was just Mr. Morrison who came to get Stacey and Papa's facial expression together. Papa had started the fire. In bed, Cassie cried for both T.J. and the land, two they might loose.