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Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry

  • Exposition

    character: Cassie Logan, Stacey Logan, Clayton Chester Logan,
    Christopher-John Logan,Mary Logan, T.J Avery, Big ma Mr. L.T. Morrison, and David Logan. setting: conflict:
  • The walk to school

    The walk to school
    the Logan kid are walk walking to school when the white kid bus drove the in to the bank
  • the classroom

    the classroom
    Cassie Logan sat down where Marry Lou had be saved a seat.
  • The books

    The books
    The student got new books (to them) but they only got them because the book was in poor condition and had racist thing in them so the Logans kid Cassie and little man did not want them.
  • The Book part 2

    The Book  part 2
    Mrs. Logan glued all the pages.
  • Papa came home.

    Papa came home.
    Their father came home with a guest
  • The hole

    The hole
    Because of the bus kept making them run to the side of the road the made a ditch so it would stop
  • The cheater

    The cheater
    T.j was going to cheat but got cought by Stacey so he made it look like Stacey was cheating
  • The fight

    The fight
    Because T.j Blamed Stacey Stacey got mad so he was going to fight T.j So much he went to a place he shouldn't have
  • The troble

    The troble
    Since Stacey went her brothers and sister followed up to the Wallace store. The got caught by Mr Morison