Period: to
Roger Williams
Roger Williams was born in 1603
image from:http://sos.ri.gov/library/history/famous/rogerwilliams/ -
Jamestown Founded
First colony founded in Jamestown, Virginia image from:http://www.latinamericanstudies.org/jamestown.htm -
Mayflower compact
Mayflower Compact is signed by 41 adult males in Princetown harbor, Massachusetts, represents first agreement on self-government in English north America
image from:http://mayflowerhistory.com/mayflower-compact/ -
embarked on "Lion" to Boston
embarked at Bristol on the "Lyon" and arrived at Boston on Feb. 5, 1631 -
Indian Attack
Indian Attacks kill one-third of the English settlers in Virginia -
Roger Williams married Mary Barnard. They brought six children into the wrld all of which survived into adulthood. -
letter to king
in december 1632, Roger Williams wrote a lengthy tract that openly condemned the King's charters and questioned the right of plymouth to the land wihtout first buying it from the Indians -
minister in defiance
Although Williams was now persona non grata with the authorities, Salem accepted his leaderhip and after Skeleton's death in August 1634 took him as minister in defiance of the General Court -
trial of Roger Williams
Found guilty in trial of disseminating "newe and dangerous opinions, against hte authoritie of magistrates" -
banished from Massachusetts
After being expelled from the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Roger Williams founds Rhode Island, which becomes the first English colony to grant complete religeous tolerance -
Anne Hutchinson Banished
Massachusetts banishes Anne Hutchinson for preaching that faith alone was sufficient for salvation. image from:http://equalvisibilityeverywhere.org/blog/womens-history-month-profiles-anne-hutchinson/ -
Roger Williams / First Baptist church
Roger williams Established the First Baptist church in america image from:http://visionists.blogspot.com/ -
wrote most famous of his books
called the Bloody tenent of persecution for cause of conscience. image from:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bloudy_Tenent_of_Persecution_for_Cause_of_Conscience -
governer of colony
Roger Williams was governer of the colony between 1654 and 1658 -
First Navigation Acts
Parliament adopts the First Navigation Act, which requires all goods carried to and From England to be transported on English ships and that the colonies could export cotton, ginger, sugar, tobacco, and wool exclusively to england. Other Navigation Acts were enacted in 1662,1663,1670,1673
image from:http://www.landofthebrave.info/navigation-acts.htm -
John Endicott orders end persecution
ogverner John Endicott orders and end to persecution of Quakers in Massachusetts, where three Quakers had been executed. -
Dutch surrender New Netherland to English
The Dutch surrender NEw Netherland to the English, who rename the colony New York. zthe dutch temporarily regained possession in 1673 and 1674 -
King phillip's War begins
Relative to the size of the population, this conflisct between the New England colonists and the Mohegans, Narangansetts, Mipmucks, Podunks and Wampanoags was the deadliest in American history image from: http://www.legendsofamerica.com/ma-gloucesterleagers.html -
Jamestown is burned
Jamestown is burned during Bacon's Rebellion. Declining tobacco prices, a cattle epidemi, and a belief that the colony's governer had failed to take adequate measure to protect Virginia against Indian attacks contribute to the Rebellion, ehich petered out after its leader, NAthaniel Bacon, died in October 1676
image from:http://www.virginiaplaces.org/settleland/destined.html -
Roger Williams Died between January 16 - April 16 1683
image from:http://sos.ri.gov/library/history/famous/rogerwilliams/memorial/