Rodriguez vocabulary timeline

  • Humungous

    Fastback Beach "Swamp rat ran on these humungous racemaster drag slicks....." (Shirlee Smith Matheson pg,45) Definition: humungous mean huge; enormous.
  • decaying

    The haunting of Derek stone Tony Abbott ¨Well at least i´m not decaying¨
    page 9
    Define-rot or decompose through the action of bacteria and fungi.
  • understandable

    Something real by heather demetrios
    ¨She always used the phrase ¨that´s understandable ¨¨. Pg-6
    understandable means to able to be understood. In other words its for you not to be cufused and to understand.
  • Groggy

    A job from hell ¨My head felt groggy as i threw a glance at my phone on the bedside table¨ (Jayde Scott pg.31) Gorggy means :dazed, weak, or unsteady, especially from illness, intoxication, sleep, or a blow.
  • Disoriented

    A job from hell /Jayde Scott (pg;30) ¨Disoriented, i looked around in the soft light case by the lamp i had forgotten to switch off.¨ Disoriented means:Make (someone) lose their sense of direction
  • Grimaced

    A job from hell/Jayde Scott (pg29) ¨I peeked into the mirror above the washbasin grimaced at my mousy brown hair that lacked a good cut.¨ Grimaced means: an ugly, twisted expression on a person's face, typically expressing disgust, pain, or wry amusement.
  • examined

    The game(Terry Schott) pg.16 ¨Zack Stood and examined himself in the mirror.¨ Examined means¨inspect (someone or something) in detail to determine their nature or condition; investigate thoroughly.¨
  • virtual existence

    virtual existence
    The game . Pg. 40-62
    ¨Would your favourtie player overcome divorce and financial failure during his life in this play, or would he end up destitute and poor for the remainder of his virtual existence?¨( Terry Schott)
    -Virtual existence means something that exists in the mind, exists in essence but not in fact or created by a computer.
  • Profitable

    Terry schott
    The game (pg, 30-50) ¨Which parts were the most profitable for us?¨ Profitable means :(of a business or activity) yielding profit or financial gain.
  • Grinned (35)

    Grinned (35)
    The game Pg 20-40
    ¨His Patron Grinned.¨ Grinned means: smile broadly, especially in an unrestrained manner and with the mouth open.
  • alternative (40)

    alternative (40)
    The game pgs 20-41 the meaning of alternative is:(of one or more things) available as another possibility.
  • dubbing (pg.1)

    dubbing (pg.1)
    The freedom writers diary pg.1-3 "Thanks to MTV dubbing long beach as the...." Dubbing means:material used for the bodies of artificial fishing flies, especially fur or wool on waxed silk.
  • preppy

    The freedom writers diary pg2-6 "will they think i'm out of touch or too preppy?" The word preppy means:a student or graduate of an expensive prep school or a person resembling such a student in dress or appearance.
  • Murmurs(4)

    Red Queen -pgs,1-9 ''I know," he murmurs,solemn for once."(Aveyard (4) Murmur means:a soft, indistinct sound made by a person or group of people speaking quietly or at a distance.
  • Outwardly(5)

    Red Queen pgs,1-9 "The only thing that serves to distinguish us, outwardly at least, is that silvers stand tall"(Aveyard 4). Outwardly means:On the surface.
  • unreadable(24)

    Booty call-pages (1-25) "He stares back,his face unreadable"(booth 24) unreadable means:not clear enough to read; illegible
  • Gruffly(24)

    Booty call pages 1-24 "'I don't think Cole is planning on going out for dinner with you two,if that's your concern,"' he finally says gruffly, but i'm still pissed off." Gruffly means;rough or surly in manner, speech, etc: a gruff reply. 2. (of a voice, bark, etc) low and throaty. gruffish, adjective. gruffly, adverb.
  • sommelier(33)

    Booty call pg-15-36 ¨she rolls it around in her mouth,m then gives the sommelier a smile so full of grace it hurts,and he gived a slight bow before filling the rest of her glass and that of her sister¨(booth 33). Sommelier means:a wine steward.