
By teamsea
  • Sep 15, 1232

    Gunpowder-fueled rockets

    Gunpowder-fueled rockets
    1232 represents the first reported use of a gunpowder-fueled rocket in warfare.
  • Sep 15, 1400

    Gunpowder Technology

    Gunpowder Technology
    By the 14th century, gunpowder-rocket technology migrated to western Europe, where over the next few centuries military engineers attempted to develop and expand its role in warfare.
  • Galileo and the scientific revolution

    Galileo and the scientific revolution
    In the 17th century, there was a period of changes in intellectual thought called the Scientific Revolution. Durning this time, Galileo also invented the first telescope.
  • Newton and his laws of motion

    Newton and his laws of motion
    Sir Issac Newton developed and published his three laws of motion and the universal law of gravitation.
  • Hale's Rockets

    Hale's Rockets
    William Hale patented his spinning rocket and sold the manufacturing rights to the United States.
  • The British Army

    The British Army
    The British Army experimented with Hale's new rockets during the Crimean war.
  • William Hale

    William Hale
    The british inventor, William Hale, attempted to improve the accuracy of Cosgrove's stick guided rocket with a tecnique called spin stabliization.
  • The first liquid-filled rocket is launched

    The first liquid-filled rocket is launched
    Goddard launches a liquid-filled rocket from Auburn, Masachusettes.
  • Sputnik 1 is launched into space

    Sputnik 1 is launched into space
    The first artificial satelite, Sputnik 1, is launched into space by the Soviet Union.
  • The first American satellite goes up to space

    The first American satellite goes up to space
    The first American stellite, the Explorer 1, is launvhes to space inn responce to Sputnik.
  • First man in space

    First man in space
    The Soviet Union sent the first man, Yuri Gagarin, in space to orbit earth.
  • Saturn V rocket leaves earth

    Saturn V rocket leaves earth
    The Saturn V rocket leaves earth carrying Neil Armstrong, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, and Michael Collins.
  • Kepler Mission

    Kepler Mission
    A space telescope planned for launch by NASA in 2007 for the purpose of searching for Earth-sized extrasolar planets. The Kepler mission, to be managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, will seek to locate planets indirectly by watching for transits.
  • New Rockets

    New Rockets
    In this century, more advanced engineering versions of the rockets advocated by such space travel visionaries.
  • Mars

    The first human-crewed mission to visit Mars in the 21st century.