Sep 16, 1232
Chinese Fire Rockets
The Chinese military created rockets consisting arrows connected to gunpowder pouches to create a flaming rocket meant to fight of mongolian invaders. -
First multi staged rocket
German Johann Scvhmidlap creates the first multi staged rocket which reaches a significantly higher alititude. -
Liquid propellents
American Robert H. Goddard creats the first sucsessful liquid propelled rocket using liquid oxygen and Gasoline -
V-2 Rockets
German engineers create the first rocket capable of reaching space by burning a mixture of oxygen and alcohol -
First Earth orbiting Satelite
The Sovet Union sucsessfuly launches the first satelite to orbit the earth which jump started the space race Between the U.S and the Soviet Union -
First American Satelite
The Jet Propulsion co. sucsessfuly launches the first American Earth orbiting satelite -
NASA founded
The Americans create now to be the worls largest space exploration company -
First man to orbit Earth
Rusian Yuri Gagarin becomes the first man to orbit Earth -
Moon landing
Neil Armmstrong from NASA becomes the first man to land on the moon. -
First Scace Shuttle
Nasa launches the first space shuttle designed to be a reusable veichle used to help otbit the Earth my placing satelites -
I Used www.sciencelearn.org.nz ot help me make a timeline and easily acess dates