• 300 BCE

    Ancient Automata

    Ancient Automata
    Ancient civilizations, including the Greeks and Chinese, created early automata—mechanical devices designed to mimic human or animal actions.
  • 1300

    Middle Ages

    Middle Ages
    The Islamic inventor Al-Jazari created a range of mechanical devices, including programmable robots in the form of automated musicians and elaborate water clocks. His work laid foundational concepts for later developments in robotics.
  • 1500


    Leonardo da Vinci sketched designs for a mechanical knight, an early example of a humanoid robot, though there’s no evidence that a physical model was built.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    The era saw significant advancements in machinery and automation. Eli Whitney’s development of interchangeable parts for firearms and later, the assembly line by Henry Ford, revolutionized manufacturing, setting the stage for modern robotics.
  • Early 20th Century

    Early 20th Century
    The term "robot" was first used by Czech writer Karel Čapek in his 1920 play "R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots)." The robots in the play were artificial workers created to replace human labor. The concept captured public imagination and influenced future robotics.
  • 1940s-1950s:

    The field of robotics began to formalize with the advent of early robots and automation. In 1956, George Devol and Joseph Engelberger created the first industrial robot, "Unimate," which was later installed in a General Motors assembly line. This marked the beginning of industrial robotics.
  • 1960s-1970s

    The development of the first programmable robots and the introduction of robotics in manufacturing continued. In 1961, the Unimate robot was the first to be used in an industrial setting, revolutionizing assembly lines.
  • 1980s-1990s

    The rise of personal computers and advancements in artificial intelligence contributed to more sophisticated robotics. The development of mobile robots and robotic sensors paved the way for more autonomous and versatile robots.
  • 2000

    Honda introduced the ASIMO robot, a highly advanced humanoid robot designed for a variety of tasks, including walking, running, and climbing stairs. ASIMO showcased the progress in robot mobility and human-robot interaction.
  • 2000s

    The field of autonomous vehicles gained momentum with significant developments from companies like Tesla, Waymo, and others. These vehicles use advanced robotics and AI to navigate roads with minimal human intervention.
  • 2000s

    Boston Dynamics released the "Stretch" robot, designed for material handling and logistics. Stretch is intended to improve warehouse operations through automation and advanced robotic manipulation.
  • Present

    Human-Robot Interaction (HRI): Ongoing research aims to improve how robots interact with humans, focusing on making these interactions more intuitive and natural.