• First Robotic Arm

    First Robotic Arm
    George Devol and Joe Engleberger designed the first programmable robot arm
  • Space Race Starts

    Space Race Starts
    The Soviet Union launches 'Sputnik', the first artificial orbiting satellite. This marked the begging of the space race
  • SRI develops Shakey the Robot

    SRI develops Shakey the Robot
    "Shakey" was the first mobile robot with the ability to perceive and reason about its surroundings. The subject of SRI's Artificial Intelligence Center research from 1966 to 1972, Shakey could perform tasks that required planning, route-finding, and the rearranging of simple objects. The robot greatly influenced modern robotics and AI techniques today residing in the Computer History Museum. The possibilities of computer science and artificial intelligence also caught the public's eye.
  • NASA land on the moon

    NASA land on the moon
    NASA used cutting edge computing and robotics technology to land people on the moon for the first time ever
  • First self driving car goes for test drive

    First self driving car goes for test drive
    the first self driving car took itself for a drive in 1986. The Mercedes Benz van incorporated mirrors and sensors was able to drive successfully on empty streets. the project was carried out at germany's bundeswehr university.
  • Sony Releases AIBO

    Sony Releases AIBO
    AIBO is a robotic dog with the ability to learn, entertain and communicate with its owner.
  • telerobotic Surgery

    telerobotic Surgery
    SRI pioneered a small amount of telepresence surgery under the contract of the US Army. This approach then led on to the first FDA approved telerobotic surgical system.
  • LEGO Robotics

    LEGO Robotics
    LEGO launches its first robotic invention system allowing the public to create their own robots.
  • Honda releases ASIMO

    Honda releases ASIMO
    Honda releases ASIMO (Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility), its humanoid robot designed to be a personal assistant that can understand voice commands, gestures and engage with its surroundings.
  • Robot team: Centibots

    Robot team: Centibots
    Centibots are a swarm of robots, they are one of the first and largest teams of coordinated, autonomous mobile robots that could explore, map and survey unknown environments.