• 100 BCE

    Descriptions of Automata machines

    Descriptions of Automata machines
    people like Ctesibio of Alexandria and Filon of Bizancio
  • 1206

    First programable robot

    First  programable robot
    Al Jazari made a robot
  • 1495

    Davinci´s Automata

    Davinci´s Automata
    Davinci create a mechanic warrior
  • Mechanic Duck

    Mechanic Duck
    Jacques de Vaucanson made the Digesting Duck
  • Robot as a term

    Robot as a term
    Karel capek (Rossum´s Universal Robots)
  • Humanoid robot

    Humanoid robot
    Westinghouse exposition
  • Isaac Asimov

    Isaac Asimov
    Include "Robotic" in his Sci-Fi histories
    3 Fundamental laws
  • Biological Behave

    Biological Behave
    Tortoise robot
  • 1st commercial robot

    1st commercial robot
    Unimate by george devol
  • Palletizing

    First robot by fuji Yusoki Kogyo
  • KUKA

    first robot with 6 electromecanical axis
  • Honda ASIMO

    Honda ASIMO
    Biped Humanoid Robot with AI
  • Boston Dynamics

    Boston Dynamics
    Boston dynamics change the way of what is know as a robot