Robot Timeline

By 1957397
  • Numerically Controlled Machines

    Numerically Controlled Machines
  • First Industrial Robot

    First Industrial Robot
    George Charles Devol also known as "the father of robotics", invented the first industrial robot, the Unimate.
  • Rancho Arm

    Rancho Arm
    The six-jointed Rancho Arm was created to assist handicapped.
  • Stanford Arm

    Stanford Arm
    The Standford Arm eventually led to commercial arm production.
  • Sliver Arm

    Sliver Arm
    The Silver Arm was created by MIT's David Silver to perform precise assembly using touch and pressure sensors and a microcomputer

    ASEA over in Europe developed the ASEA IRB in 1975 that was the first fully electrically driven robot.
  • The PUMA Robot

    The PUMA Robot
    the PUMA robot arm was released by Vicarm and Unimation
  • First robotic arm with motors

    First robotic arm with motors
    Takeo Kanade created the first robotic arm with motors installed directly in the joint in 1981
  • Motorman ERC

    Motorman ERC
    The Motorman ERC system was upgraded to support up to 21 axes
  • The First Cobot

    The First Cobot
    The first collaborative robot (cobot) was installed at Linatex in 2008.