Robot Timeline


    George Devol designed the first truly programmable robot and called it
    UNIMATE for "Universal Automation." (US patent 2 998 237) [4]
    Later, in
    1956, George Devol and Joseph Engelberger formed the world's first robot
    company “Unimation” which stands for “universal automation”. [2]
    As a
    result, Engelberger has been called the 'father of robotics’. [3]
    Unimation is still
    in production today, with robots for sale. [3]
  • Spuntik

    History changed on October 4, 1957, when the Soviet Union successfully
    launched Sputnik I. The world's first autonomous, artificial satellite was 22.8
    inches in diameter and weighed only 183.9 pounds.
  • First Industrial Robot

    One of the first operational, industrial robots in North America appeared in
    the early 1960’s in a candy factory in Kitchener, Ontario. [1]
  • Research institute

    Artificial intelligence research laboratories are opened at M.I.T., Stanford
    Research Institute (SRI), Stanford University, and the University of
  • Robotics institute

    Carnegie Mellon establishes the Robotics Institute
  • The First Computer

    The first computer controlled walking machine was created by Mcgee and
    Frank at the University of South Carolina
  • Standford Arm

    Victor Scheinman created the Stanford Arm, which was the first successful
    electrically-powered, computer-controlled robot arm.
  • First Walking Vehicle

    V.S. Gurfinkel, A. Shneider, E.V. Gurfinkel and colleagues at the department
    of motion control at the Russian Academy of Science create the first six-legged
    walking vehicle. [
  • First General Purpose Chips

    Intel (Integrated Electronics) produced the first batch of second-generation
    8080 general purpose chips.
  • industrial operations

    Victor Schenman developed the Programmable Universal Manipulation Arm
    (Puma). It was widely used in industrial operations.