Colonialism title

European Colonial Expansion

  • Robinson Crusoe

    Robinson Crusoe
    A fiction novel by an English writter, Daniel Defoe.
    Published on 25th April, 1719.
    popular novel, percieved by many whose curiosity towards the new worlds aided in the rise of popularity of travel novels.
  • Period: to

    Colonial Expansion, A Building Block of European World View

    Primary sources that show how colonial expansions during mid 17th century to mid 20th century helped shape European World View.
  • Gulliver's Travels

    Gulliver's Travels
    Written by an Irish writter Jonathan Swift.
    Was a satire of the popular European phenomenon at the time of 'traveller's tales', that fed off of people's curiosity towards the exotic overseas.
  • Discourse on Inequality

    Discourse on Inequality
    Published on in 1755, Discourse on Inequality is a book written by philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
    It is significant as it is a text from the era where the ideas of European racial supremacy was rising and several ideas contained in Discourse on Inequality seems to have been affected by it.
  • Macartney's journal

    Macartney's journal
    Earl Macartney's journal that he kept throughout his mission of Embassy to China, where he documented his observations from European point of views.
    Significant, as Macartney's mission to Qing China can be considered to be a starting point of British influence becoming dominant in China.
  • Femme Tasmanienne avec son enfant

    Femme Tasmanienne avec son enfant
    Created by Nicolas-Martin Petit in 1802, it is a sketch done for documentational purposes, as at the time expeditions to new worlds were aided by curious scientists and more and more people back home in Europe were getting more interested about the overseas.
  • L'exposition Coloniale de Paris de 1906

    L'exposition Coloniale de Paris de 1906
    A poster by Firmin Buisset in 1906.
    It is a poster for a human zoo, an exhibition that took place in Paris in early 20th century to meet the popular demand for exotic colonial lands.
    Is significant as it represents the social air at the time as well as the inaccuracy of the content of the poster, which mixes up African and Asian elements.