Robin Williams was born
Laugh In
Apeared in episodes of th remake or NBCs "Laugh In" -
Mork & Mindy
Mork & Mindy first aired -
Happy Days
First apears as Mork on Happy Days -
Appeared on Happy days as Mork an Alien from the planet ork
Robin Williams appeared on Happy Days as an Alien named Mork from the planet Ork. This episode in season five spunoff that they started a new show called Mork and Mindy. -
Emmy Awards
Williams was nominated for lead actor in Mork & Mindy -
Good Mornng Vietnam
One of Williams most famous movies -
Williams was Oscar nominated for best actor in "Good Morning Vietnam" -
Man of The Year Award, Harvard University
Williams was awarded the Man of the Year Award by the Husty Pudding Theatrical of Havard University -
Oscar Nominated for Dead Poets Society
Robin WIliams Death
Robin WIlliams commited suicide not because of drugs or alcohol but because he was struggling with depression and anxeity.