Robert L. Wiley WWI

  • Assignation of Austrias president

    Assignation of Austrias president
    In June 1914, a Serbian-nationalist terrorist group called the Black Hand sent groups to assassinate the Archduke.
  • WWI started

    WWI started
    World War I, also known as the First World War, the Great War, the Seminal Catastrophe, and initially in North America as the European War, was a global war originating in Europe that lasted from 28 July 1914 to 11 November 1918.
  • chemical were used

    chemical were used
    French soldiers making a gas and flame attack on German trenches in Flanders, Belgium, in 1918. German forces were the first to open valves on gas cylinders, releasing the toxic cloud on unprepared French troops in Ypres in 1915.
  • Camp Douglas, Wisconsin

    Camp Douglas, Wisconsin
    He was the head captain of the football team for the army in camp Douglas, Wisconsin
  • Trip to and first impressions of France

    Trip to and first impressions of France
    A few american troops were sent to France to march down the champs of Elysee on July 4th,1917.
  • Air scrapes, trip trenches

    Air scrapes, trip trenches
    He talks about how this little french girl comes threw their mess halls and shes on a tot. this little girl is 12 years old. also they teach each other stuff such as language and games they play.
  • Fifth day of battle in the Marne sector. American spirit is going to win the war

    Fifth day of battle in the Marne sector. American spirit is going to win the war
    the battle of the Marne, in which Paris was saved and the Germans forward momentum was stopped and repulsed for the first time.
  • confidence of victory, Hun's lesson

    confidence of victory, Hun's lesson
    Have fought their last man, while the Untied States would have to stop without having put into the line more men then little Belgium
  • Training for new function, division had been on Alsace a few miles from Swiss border

    Training for new function, division had been on Alsace a few miles from Swiss border
    The battle moved back and forth through the woods for days. The marines were a unit of 60% marksmen
  • Trip to Paris

    He was sending another letter to his family(brother) and he was talking about why he was going to Paris.
  • Company in pretty bad circumstances

    Company in pretty bad circumstances
    They have a shortage of manpower and a growing demand for personal.
  • Back in the fight

    Back in the fight
    They are less then two miles from a village were the war is about to start again.
  • News of Bulgarian surrendering

    News of Bulgarian  surrendering
    They were about two miles to were they would start fighting but they didn't know it was pushed back farther the they thought.
  • How WWI ended

    How WWI ended
    Germany had formally surrendered on November 11, 1918, and all nations had agreed to stop fighting while the terms of peace were negotiated. On June 28, 1919,
  • Living like cavemen

    Living like cavemen
    men have been coming back in ambulances and getting really sick.
  • first day in Germany

    first day in Germany
    they just got to Germany and heard bombs and gun shots
  • seventh day in Germany

    seventh day in Germany
    They have been having beer with German soldiers and saying how beautiful Germany is.
  • Moved to Rengsdorf

    They are at the where the Germans went threw there to get to Paris. So they are familiar to the spot.