Identity vs. identity confusion
Robert (age 20) is figuring out who he is and what kind of career will best suit him in the life he wants to live. Identity vs. Identity confustion. The crises is between understanding who they are and what they want to become. If they cant they will have identity confustion. -
Itimacy vs. Isolation
Robert (age 24) has chosen to marry his college girlfriend Cheley of four years. He has chosen to live a life with itimacy instead of isolation. Intimacy vs. Isolation. The crises is choosing whether to live your life intimately with another person or live your life in isolation with no intimacy -
Generativity vs. Stagnation
Robert and Cheley decide whether or not they are able to care for another human being or if they should choose to not have a kid. They decided to have children so they understand that they have to be able to provide care for the next generation. Generativity vs. Stagnation. The crises is choosing between being able to care for another human being or just caring for themselves and being stagnant. -
Integrity vs. Despair
Robert (age 76) looks back at his life looking through the tough moments as well as the good moments knowing he can't change the past so he acceps it all and moves on knowing he led the best life he could. Integrity vs. Despair. The crises is you either accept any bad or good that happened in their life or you dwell on the past even though you know you cant do anything