Rob Stubbs History Timeline

  • Period: 10,000 BCE to 3500 BCE

    The Stone Age

    The stone age is divided into three periods. The Paleolithic, the Mesolithic, and the Neolithic. The first people during these times were clans called Hunter-Gathers. Fire was a major development for these people. Simple tools were made to make hunting and gathering easier.
  • Period: 8000 BCE to 8000 BCE

    Neolthic Revolution

    In this period many hunter gathers settle down in villages and stated to farm and raise domestic animals. They also began to store their food which made it easier to eat more often during the winter months.
  • Period: 6500 BCE to

    Harappa and Mohenjo- Daro

    These two cities were in the Indus River Valley and were well planned out. Many people lived in brick houses and a lot of houses had toilets and the worlds first swear system. They also had a canal which provided water for them to grow wheat and barley.
  • Period: 6000 BCE to 6000 BCE


    It is a southern city in Egypt, which was one of the earliest areas along the Nile. It had barley, wheat, sheep, and goats.
  • Period: 3500 BCE to 479 BCE

    The Bronze and Iron Age

    Ancient civilizations in the Mediterranean and Asian regions began to emerge. As quickly as cities were being built empires were starting to take shape.
  • Period: 2686 BCE to 2181 BCE

    The Egyptian Old Kingdom

    In the old kingdom they were ruled by a king which was a true form of monarchy. They also developed a new form of building architectural called the step pyramid.
  • Period: 2330 BCE to 2220 BCE

    The Sumerian Empire

    Earliest empire formed also known as the Akkadian empire. King Akkad was the first person to found this empire.
  • Period: 2000 BCE to 1700 BCE

    The Egyptian Middle Kingdom

    The cult of Osiris rose to dominate Egyptian religion. This period was a result of weak kings until Mentuhorep 2nd who was the founder of the Middle Kingdom.
  • Period: 2000 BCE to 900

    The Mayan Empire

    The only fully developed written language of the pre- Columbia Americans. They developed an agriculturally intensive city centered civilization.
  • Period: 1792 BCE to 586 BCE

    The Babylonian Empire

    Hammurabi was the first king of Babylon. He created the code of Hammurabi which stated an eye for an eye. Around 600 BCE King Nebuchadenezzar became king of Babylon for a short time. He captured Jewish people and forced them into slavery.
  • 1700 BCE

    Earthquake hit the city of Crete

    The Minoans were a very advanced civilization. In 1700 BCE an earthquake hit the island of Crete and most of their civilization was destroyed.
  • Period: 1600 BCE to 1046 BCE

    The Shang Dynasty in China

    First documented Chinese dynasty where there is documented and archaeological evidence. Its capital city was in Anyang in 1384 BCE. Their agricultural advances included millet, wheat, barley, silkworms, pigs, dogs, sheep, and oxen. They were also advanced in their science and art of metal which included bronze, copper, Iron, and gold.
  • Period: 1600 BCE to 1100 BCE

    The Mycenean Age or the Heroic Age

    The came to power on the Greek mainland Much of their art depicts heroic figures fighting in wars and against wild animals too. The Myceneans prayed to the gods to take care of them.
  • Period: 1550 BCE to 539 BCE

    The Phoenician Empire

    This empire was on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean. The Phoenicians were mainly people who trade goods with other empires to survive. The late bronze age from 1550 BCE to 1200 BCE was a time of great wealth for the Phoenicians because they set up trading posts all around the Mediterranean.
  • Period: 1550 BCE to 30

    The Egyptian New Kingdom

    Such as Queen Hastshepsut 1508- 1458 BCE, Thutmose 3rd 1479- 1425 BCE, Amenhotep 3rd 1386- 1349 BCE, Akhenaten 1336 BCE who was known for bringing the idea of worshiping one god Aten to the Egyptian people. Tutankhamun 1332 - 1323 BCE, his name means "The Living Iamge of Amun." Then there was Ramses 2nd from 1279 - 1213 BCE. He held the throne of Egypt for 66 years. Cleopatra 7th was the last Pharaoh of Egypt before the Romans took over.
  • 1180 BCE

    Trojan war

    It was between the people of Troy and the Mycenaeans.
  • Period: 1100 BCE to 750 BCE

    The Greek Dark Age

    After the Trojan wars the Mycenaeans went through civil wars and the Dorian invaders took over .
  • Period: 800 BCE to 500 BCE

    The Roman Empire- Etruscan people

    The Etruscan people were an advanced civilization that practiced bi-sexuality. They dominated much of Italy before 800 BCE.
  • Period: 750 BCE to 480 BCE

    The Archaic Period

    It is known for the development of pottery and sculpture. It also saw advancement in political theory and the beginning of democracy.
  • Period: 500 BCE to 500 BCE

    The Persian Empire

    Largest empire of its time stretching from Africa to India. Around this time the three most civilized empires were Persia, Greece, and Egypt.
  • 49 BCE

    Roman Civil War

    Ceaser crossed the Rubicon River with and Army between Gaul to the north and Italy. This was forbidden by the republic and caused a civil war to occur.
  • 44 BCE

    Ceaser was murdered

    Leaving his throne to his nephew Ceaser Augustus.
  • 30 BCE

    Roman Empire

    Roman had expanded to Britain, Northern Africa, Spain, and Asia Minor. It was also known for its cruelty.
  • 323

    Law of Religious tolerance

    Emperor Constantine issued a law that allowed Christianity to be legalized in Rome and the end of religious persecution.
  • Period: 455 to 1492

    The Dark Ages

    German invaders eventually ended up defeating the Romans and conquered the Roman Empire. The infrastructure fell apart from disease and lack of maintenance.
  • 476

    Old Roman Empire fell

    The old roman empire had fallen but the Byzntine Empire in the east had remained.
  • Period: 500 to 336

    The Classical Period

    Athens reached its greatest political and cultural heights. It created the full development of the democratic system, and the building of Parthenon.
  • 569

    Black Plague

    The first know experience to the plague was in 1397 CE when 12 Italian ships docked in Sicily after a long journey of the Black sea. Most of the sailors were dead and others were extremely sick.
  • 630

    Isalm was created

    The Prophet Mohammad with created the religion Isalm and with his many followers seized the city of Meca.
  • 732

    Battle of Tours

    Charles Martel defeated the Muslims and reunited France.
  • Period: 768 to 800

    King Charlemangne

    Charlemangne was king of the franks from 768 CE, King of Italy from 774 CE, and the first emperor to rule Western Europe since the collapse of the Roman empire. He was called the "Father of Europe"
  • Period: 793 to 1066

    Vikings Age

    The vikings were talented ship builders from Norway and Denmark. They mostly invaded European countries like Britain.
  • 1066

    The Battle of Hastings

    King Edward promised to make William a Norman his successor to the throne. But when Edward died Harold the 2nd an Anglo Saxon was made king. So the Normans and the Anglo saxons went to war and the Normans won.
  • Period: 1095 to 1291

    The Crusades

    The Pope in Rome had called for a holy war to take back the land from the empire of Islam in the middle east.
  • 1269

    Marco Polo

    Polo had traveled to present day China to visit Kublal Khan whose grandfather was Genghis Khan. He asked them to return with 100 priests and a supply of holy water.
  • Period: 1300 to

    The Renaissance

    People reached back over 1000 years ago to their culture in Greece and Rome to remember what their artistic culture was like. It was a time of rebirth from the dark ages.
  • Period: 1300 to 1520

    The Inca Empire

    The Inca people were skilled politicians who manged to govern 12 million people. They were along the western coast of what is now Peru and Chile.
  • Period: 1325 to 1519

    The Aztec Empire

    It was a more recent civilization. BY the time their last emperor died the Aztecs had covered 80,000 miles and had 6 million inhabitants.
  • 1492

    The Colombian Exchange

    Spain, Portugal, France, and England all brought over goods that the New world native people did not have, and they trade those goods for items that the voyagers brought back to Europe.
  • 1498

    Columbus Discovers America

    He did not actually discover America until his third voyage, What he actually discovered was what is now the Caribbeans. He thought they were Asia and the west indies.
  • Period: 1517 to 1521

    The Reformation

    Pope Leo 3rd collected money from the lower class to support the church, the more people payed the less their loved ones would suffer. Martin Luther a priest used the printing press to make a list of 95 complaints against the catholic church. He believed that everyone should be able to read the Bible in their own language and not just the catholic priest. He was then excommunicated from the church because he refused to take down the complaints.
  • Jamestown Virginia

    Americas first permanent English colony 13 years before the puritans settled in Plymouth, Massachusetts.
  • The first African slaves

    The first documented slaves came from West Africa after a war with the Portuguese. They arrived in Virginia.
  • Period: to

    French and Indian War

    This war was against the British colonies and new France. With the native Americans helping the British colonies defeating the french.
  • The tea act

    It was a unfair taxation on tea that was directly shipped to colonists from the east India company that parliament agreed to.
  • Boston Tea Party

    After the tea act was passed seeing it as unfair the sons of liberty dressed up as native Americans and dumped the shipment of tea into the harbor.
  • Lexington and Concord

    British General Gage sent out his soldiers to Lexington, Massachusetts and Concord where they would seize weapons and gunpowder.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    France and Holland came through for the colonies because of their hatred towards the British. They supplied generals to train the colony armies and ships to battle with at sea.
  • Yorktown Surrender

    General Cornwallis surrendered after the Americans surrounded the British by land and the french by sea.
  • US Constitution was signed

    It provide the newly formed nation with three branches. The legislative, Judaical, Executive.
  • Cotton Gin

    Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin. It was a faster way to pick the cotton and remove the seeds.
  • Period: to

    Lewis and Clark

    They mapped out and claimed new territories west of the Mississippi before Britain could.
  • The War of 1812

    The cause of the war was a series of economic sancations by the British and French against the US as part of the Napoleonic wars.
  • Period: to

    The Civil War

    The war had two purposes one to see if the US could be one unified government and two to end slavery.