Frances willard
Long time president and closed for tour and excelled speaker a successful lobbylist -
Marcos garney
Highly controversial politician activist and enphasized racial pride -
Langston hughes
poet and writer and attracted racism expressed his pride in their heritage -
Great migration
African American left to the "promised land" and the African American population more than doubled Chicago Cleveland and detriot -
Herbert Hoover
He was a skilled engineer and self made millionaire and he bough to the presidency an on paralleled repetition -
Eighteenth amendment
effectively established the prohibition of alcoholic beverages and the congress the several states shall have concurrent power -
Calvin Coolidge
there was a parolee strike in Boston in 1919 and he was elected vice president -
Red scare
Fear of the stat of a coming resolution and promoted fear of communist prize -
Henry ford
He was a fonder of the ford motor company and built his first gas lined powered horseless carriages -
Twenty first amendment
Repelled the 18th amendment to the united states and it should be replaced or or reffed as an amendment -
Harlen renaissance
awakening of African American music and it reached into different types of art music,dance and visual arts -
Roaring Twenties
Americans entered a new age of prosperity and more people lived on cites then farms -
The manufacture storage in barrels bottles transportation and which band the manufacture transportation and sale of intersection -
a generation of western women in who where shirt shirks and something thats differnt than others -
Return to normacy
Warren handing campaign slogan and election of warren Harding -
Warren Harding
he was a president in 1920 and after his death corruption came to light damaging his reputation -
the study or beliefs in a possibility of impression the quality -
Teapot dome scandal
it was one of the most scandals in US history -
Immigration acts
if a student extered the us 5 years before then that means limited the number of immigranst allowed entry into the United States -
Scopes monkey trial
it was an American legal case in which substitute high school teacher was accused of teaching evolution in violation of Tennessee state law -
Clearence darrow
was an American layer leading member and promote advocates and dramatic criminal trails earned him a place in America -
Charles lindbergh
1st person to fly across the Atlantic ocean and made him a national hero world wide celebrity -
Rugged individualism
Social and economic affairs that made America into great nations and the belief that all individual or nearly all individual -
Tin pan alley
a publish for and a song writer who dominates the music and a nickname given to the street