
Roaring Twenties

  • Jack Dempsey's Title Defense

    Jack Dempsey's Title Defense
    This fight was against Billy Miske in Benton Harbor, Michigan. Miske challenged Jack for the title and was knocked out in three rounds. Jack was the most famous heavy-weight boxing champion of the 1920s. he helped make boxing a big money sport.
  • First Radio Brodcast

    First Radio Brodcast
    KDKA from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania was the first commercially recognized radio broadcast. The radio then soon became to be very popular, and many other places around the U.S. began to brodcast sports, music, and news.
  • Babe Ruth Breaks Record

    Babe Ruth Breaks Record
    Babe hit his 139 career home runs breaking Roger Conner's record of 138 record. After this monumental moment Babe ruth when on to hit a record of 714 home runs which would not be surpassed until 1974 by Hank Aaron
  • First Miss America Pagent

    First Miss America Pagent
    The first pagent was held in Atlantic city it began as a marketing idea but then began to form something way different. The first winner of the pagent was sixteen-year-old Margaret Gorman of Washington, D.C., She was awarded her a $100 prize, and was called the the "Most Beautiful Bathing Girl in America," she was to be awarded the title of "Golden Mermaid."
  • Helen Wills Wins first U.S. Championship

    Helen Wills Wins first U.S. Championship
    This win is the start of her successful career. The championship game was against Molla Bjurstedt the score was 6-1,6-2. She won more than 30 major tennis championships in her career. She revolutionized sports for women and becoming literally one of the best players of all time.
  • Amelia Crosses the Atlantic

    Amelia Crosses the Atlantic
    She was the first woman to fly solo from Hawaii to California. The trip took twenty hours and this effort inspired many girls to do something that others said could not be done. She was a true inspiration and this event would be remembered for ever.
  • Hoover is elected into office

    Hoover is elected into office
    Republican Herbert Hoover ( a Republican from Iowa) beat Democrats Al Smith from New York to become the 31st president. Hoover won with Popular vote 21,427,123 to 15,015,464 and Percentage 58.2% to 40.8% and had 488 electoral votes.
  • Release of Mickey Mouse in Steamboat Willie

    Release of Mickey Mouse in Steamboat Willie
    Steamboat Willie was the first animated cartoon released from Disney that featured Mickey Mouse. Mickey Mouse was a start to Disney's succes in animated movies, and cartoons.
  • Saint Valentine's Day Massacre

    Saint Valentine's Day Massacre
    Five members of the North Side gang were lined up and shot with a machine gun. The shooters were were dressed up as two police officers but were actually part of Al Capone's gang. The massacre shocked many americans and was one of the causes that help repeal the prohibition law. This same event also is what sparked investigators to put Al Capone in jail.
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    Black tuesday was the start to the great depression. This event is when the stock markets crashed. On Black Tuesday the Dow Jones decreased a record 13% which, caused a massive crowd to form in front of Wall Street. When it crashed in a matter of eight weeks the market decreased 40%.