roaring 20s

  • Prohibition

    Prohibition was made near the end of the first world war and was introduced because it was thought that grains should be used to feed soldiers not make alcohol. It was a good idea, but it introduced more organized illegal campaigns, and smugglers illegally supplying alcohol. Prohibition ended on different dates in other states, the first province to remove it was Yukon on 1920 and the last was prince Edward island on 1948.
  • spanish flu

    during 1918 when Canadian soldiers returned from the war they brought the spanish flu with them. The spanish flu got its name because spain was the first to annunce its spread. Quickly millions of people died and it ended up killing more people than ww1 did, as there was no form of treatment or any sort of cure against it at the time. to stop the spread they did many things that people did to fight against covid, like no going to school churches or other public places.
  • the winnipeg general strike

    the winnipeg general strike was one of the most important strikes and it became the platform of future labour reforms. The building and metal trades council in winnipeg voted to go on strike. They wanted 3 things. decent wages (85 cents per hour), an eight-hour day, the right to bargain collectively for better working conditions
  • BLoody Saturday

    Bloody saturday took place on june 21st 1919, during the winnipeg strike. There was a parade going on which were illegal for the time being, So police went there and fought one person to the death many other got injured and hundreds were arrested. This was near the end of the winnipeg strike
  • League Of Indians

    in the 20s and 30s aboriginal people made a force to fight for their rights. In 1919 Frredrick Loft, a ww1 veteran created this orrginization. This league was the first attempt for the voice of aboriginal people.
  • the group of 7

    The Group of Seven was a group of Canadian artists composed of Franklin Carmichael, Arthur Lismer, Lawren Harris, A.Y. Jackson, and Frederick Varley. They were the first to create a Canadian style of painting, and were extremely popular at the time.
  • residential schools

    in 1920 around 50 years after the Indian act was passed it was manditory for indigenous members of canada to go to aboriginal schools due to the Indian act. Many indiginous tried to run or flee but would almost never make it back to their home. they tried to urn because they were stripped from their culture treated rughly and were in extreme cases raped. in 1920 aboriginal schools became a lot more popular.
  • Period: to

    roaring 20s

  • invention of insulin

    diabetes would most suranly lead to death before the invention if insulin and was feared at the time. it wes tested around a year before the first kid ever reveived it by removing pancreas from a dog. in january of 1922 a 14 year old kid in Toronto reveived the first ever insulin and it was a succes, and Insulin was discoverd.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    in 1923 Canada made the Chinese Exclusion Act to stop immigrants from China to come to Canada. They wanted to stop them because there were too many and they feared they would take over the jobs in Canada. This act banned all Chinese people except for more fortunate ones like merchants, students, and diplomats to come. And due to ww1 racial discrimination still existed.
  • Royal Canadian Air Force(RCAF)

    The returning ww1 pilots who still wanted to fly and serve the country wanted to continue being pilots so in april 1924 the RCAF was created. The governor in general thought that the air force should focus on helping the own country mostly and patrol forest fires, check on fishing boats, and spot smugglers.
  • persons case

    In August of 1927, Emily Murphy & four other prominent women (Nellie McClung, Louise McKinney, Henrietta Edwards, Irene Parlby) started patitioning against the section of the British North America act that defined the word ''person''. so the 5 of them fought against the government to have women be considerd a person. They lost the fight to the Supreme court in 1928, but did not give up and decided to appeal to the privy council in Britain. 3 months later both men and women were considerd person.
  • Black Tuesday

    debatibally the most dramatical event that happened in 1920 was the stock market crash. It was one of the early symptoms of the great depression. many people played in the stock market. It was a dream to see money grow over night, and it did. but when it crashed many peoples money went down.
  • The Great Depression

    in 1929 Canada in general plumbeted, it went into the biggest economic drop it had ever faced as it faced the great depression. As a result people lost their jobs debts became bigger and all assets quickly dissapeared. though the stock market crash happened at a simmilair time it was not the start of the great depression but rather a symptom. This event lasted for most of the 30s.
  • Period: to

    dirty thirtys

  • ''New Deal''

    Prime minister R.B Benette knows that Canadians were angry at the government because of the economic down turn. so he introduced a new plan to establish unemployment & social insurance, set minimum wages, limit the hours of work, guarentee the fair treatment of employees, & control prices so that businesses could not make unfair profits. As soon as he tried to put the plan into further action, a new election happened and the liberals took over.
  • CBC

    The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation came from CanadasRadio Broadcasting Commission which was created in 1933. Canada didnt have a full broadcasting commission that scaled all of canada so it was a big moment of unity for the country.