Roaring 20’s

  • Palmer Raids

    Palmer Raids
    About 500 foreign citizens were deported as a result and this led to the Red Scare. A lot of the public was upset about the disrespect for the legal process during these raids.
  • Prohibition of Alcohol

    Prohibition of Alcohol
    The prohibition of alcohol was from 1920-1923. This was a period in which the prohibition was to lower crime and corruption, reduce social problems, and improved health and hygiene.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The United States fails to ratify the Treaty of Versallies and join the UN. This decisions began a decade in which the US turned inward and failed to help problems that were developing from Europe.
  • Right to Vote

    Right to Vote
    This new amendment prohibits any United States citizen to be denied the right to vote based on sex. The amendment was a result of the women's suffrage movement which was fought throughout the nation to achieve the vote.
  • Washington Conference

    Washington Conference
    The point of this was so that they could hoping to stabilize the size of the U.S Navy relative to that of other powers and to resolve conflicts in the Pacific.
  • Tariff Act

    Tariff Act
    Representative Joseph W. Fordney of Michigan and Senator Porter J. McCumber of North Dakota guided this legislation through Congress. It increased the tariff barriers on foreign manufactured goods which made it more difficult for European nations to trade and as a result pay off their war debts
  • Five Power Naval Treaty

    Five Power Naval Treaty
    The results of this treaty were significant as major world powers voluntarily reduced their navies. This helped slow casualties and made war a little less destructive and powerful.
  • Presidency of Warren G. Harding

    Presidency of Warren G. Harding
    During his presidency he approved a reduction in the income tax, an increase in tariff rates and established the Bureau of the Budget. Harding also wanted at one time, to expose the great scandals in the administration but later decided against it. However, in August of 1923, he sadly died in San Francisco of a heart attack.
  • Daws Plan

    Daws Plan
    This plan established a cycle of payments from the US, to Germany, and from Germany to the Allies.
  • Immigration Act

    Immigration Act
    Aimed at the Southern/Eastern, The Immigration Act of 1924, was a US federal law that limited the number of immigrants who could be admitted from any country to 2% of the number of people from that country. This in return slowed population count and # of immigrants entering.
  • Scopes Trial

    Scopes Trial
    A biology teacher named John Scopes challenged the states ban on teaching Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. Ultimately highlighted modernity vs traditional.
  • Execution

    Ferdinando Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were anarchists who were convicted of murdering two men during a 1920 armed robbery armed in South Braintree, Mass. After a controversial trial and a series of appeals, the two Italian immigrants were executed on August 23, 1927. Important because of controversy between whether or not it was a fair trial.
  • Treaty to stop war

    Treaty to stop war
    This treaty was an American effort to avoid involvement in the European alliance system. We did not want to fight again and therefor made a treaty to get un involved.
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    This time period was one of the leading factors of the Great Depression. The cause of tthe Crash was the increased use of buying stocks "on margin". The Crash devestated the ecnomy and is also known as the Great Wallstreet Crash of 1929.
  • Valentines Day Massacre

    Valentines Day Massacre
    Four men shot and killed he Moran's and killed seven. The Massacre both shocked the public and symbolized gang violence.