
Roald Amundsen g

  • Birth

    Amundsen Born
  • Father's Death

    Jens Amundsen dies at the age of 65 when Roald was only 14 years old.
  • Mother's Death

    No exact date of her death, but Hanna Sahlqvist dies in 1893 at the age of 56.
  • First Voyage

    Roald Amundsen sets sail on his first voyage as first mate to Adrien De Gerlarche on the Belgian Antartic Expedition. This becomes his first expedition, spending the winter in Antartica.
  • Expedition Comes to an End

    Roald Amundsen and the rest of the crew arrive back to Belguim with their expedition being a success, but they are lucky to have it that way.
  • Northwest Passage Expedtion Stes Sail

    Roald Amundsen sets sail as captain on the ship with six men to trying to become the first expedition to sail through the Northwest Passage.
  • Roald gets through the Nothwest Passage

    Susccussfully Robert made it through the passage with only one person dying.
  • Roald Sets Sail to South Pole

    Roald Amundsen hears that Frederick Cook wants to be the first person to go to the Soth Pole, and upon hearing this Roald wants to beat him to it, and he sets sail on the ship Fram.
  • Roald Reaches South Pole

    Roald made his way to Antarctica
  • Disaperance and Death

    Roald Amundsen disappears while flying on a rescue mission, trying to rescue members of a crashed plane that were returning from the North Pole.
  • Seaches Called Off

    Government calls off searches and Roald Amundsen is pronounced dead. It was believed he died in a crash. He was 55 years old.
  • Search for Roald is Made

    A search is made for his body underwater by the Norwegian Navy, but it is an unsuccessful search.
  • Another Search is Made

    Another underwater search is made for Roald and is again unsuccessful.