Roald Amundsen

  • Birth

  • Belgian Antarctic expedition

    Was the first expedition to winter in antartica.
  • Northwest passage

    Successfully traversed the northern passage in canada
  • South pole expedition

    First attempt at reaching the south pole.
  • 2nd attempt at south pole

    Roald Amundsen second attempt at the south pole, this time he was successful.
  • Northeast passage

    Roald Amundsen attempt to reach the north pole by freezing their ship into the ice and floating to the pole.
  • Northeast passage continued

    Roald decided to change from planned naval expeditions to aerial expeditions.
  • Reaching the North Pole

    Roald Amundsen along with five others reached the North Pole. He took two planes with him.
  • Crossing the Artic

    Roald Amundsen and fifteen others were the first people to cross the Arctic
  • Disapearance