Road Trip To Alabama

By Shay917
  • Get family together for ideas of going to Alamba

    Sit at start discussing different options for Trip
  • Discuss the time and day we plan on leaving for Alabama

    Decided that it is best to leave in the morning on October 4th.
  • Look up Prices

    Search for hotels, places to eat, and stores
  • Everyone working to get their extra money

    Everyone working extra hours to have more money for the trip. Using the extra money to go to stores and shop.
  • Discuss the time and day we plan on coming back home

    Decided that we leave in the morning on October 7th to come home.
  • Leave for Road Trip

    Leave early that morning for Alabama
  • Go visit family

    Go visit family and then we all go to a Memorial program for my Great Aunt
  • Come back home

    Leave Alabama and come back home that morning