Road to World War One

By tini.a
  • Entente Cordiale

    Britain signed the Entente Cordiale with France.
  • Germany supports Morocco

    The Kaiser visited Morocco and he declared his support for Moroccan Independence
  • Algeciras Conference

    Conference on Morocco was held at Algeciras in Spain.
  • Austria-Hungary and Russia make a deal

    The foreign ministers of Austria-Hungary and Russia made a deal to take what each wanted in the Balkans
  • Austria-Hungary announcement

    The Austro-Hungarians announced their annexation separately.
  • Serbian Agitation

    Serbia began agitation against the annoxations.
  • Austian Mobilization

    Austria began mobilization against Serbia
  • Germany Proposal

    Germany proposed that the Austrian Annexations should stand.
  • Second Moroccan Crisis

    From July to November, 1911.
  • Balkan League

    Balkan countries, fearful of Austria, formed the Balkan league.
  • League Attack

    The League attacked the turkish forces in the Balkans
  • Britain and France intervention

    Britain and France intervened to ensure that conflict did not spred.
  • Germany Assists Britain

    Germany assisted british mediation efforts, supports a conference in London.
  • Conference Denies Access

    Serbia is denied access to the Adriatic Sea but is compensated with land.
  • Bulgaria Attack

    Bulgaria attacked her allies, Serbia and Greece.
  • Assassination of Achduke Franz Ferdinand

    The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand takes place in Sarajevo.
  • Germany Supports Austria-Hungary

    Germany promises support to Austria-Hungary if Russa intervenes.
  • Austria-Hungary's Ultimatum

    The Austro-Hungarian government presented the Serbs with an ultimatum.
  • Serbia Replies

    Serbia replies to the ultimatum agreeing to certain extent.
  • Mobilization of Russian Forces

    Partial mobilization of the Russian forces on the Austrian frontier.
  • The Austrians Declare War

    The Austrians broke off diplomatic relations with Serbia and declared war.
  • Belgrade Under Attack

    Belgrade was bombarded by artillery
  • Russian Full Mobilization

    The Tsar ordered full mobilization of the Russian forces.
  • Germany's Ultimatums

    Germany issued two ultimatums.
  • Germany Declaration of War and General Mobilizations

    Germany declares was on Russia and both France and Germany ordered general mobilization.
  • Luxemburg's Occupation

    Germany occupied Luxemburg
  • Belgium's Denial and Germany's Declaration

    Belgium denies Germany free passage while Germany declared war on France.
  • Britain Declaration of War

    Britain declared war on Germany.
  • Austria-Hungary Declaration of War

    Austria-Hungary declared war on Russia.
  • Britain and France Declaration of War

    Britain and France declare war on Austria-Hungary.