
Road to War

By 3patek
  • The Missouri Compromis

    The Missouri Compromis
    The U.S. developed the Missouri Compromise to stop slavery above the 36' 30' line. This was the start of sectionalism between the North and South.
  • War With Mexico

    War With Mexico
    The War with Mexico was fought to aquire more land in the areas of California, New Mexico, and parts of Texas. The North was against the war becuase they feared it would spread slavery with the acquisition of more land below the 36' 30' line.
  • Wilmot's Proviso

    Wilmot's Proviso
    Wilmot's Proviso was proposed that slavery should be abolished for all of the new land. The Southern Senators blocked in fear it would disrupt the balance of the number of free and slave states. Even though it was never passed it caused great damage between the North and the South. Southerners knew that once the North gained control of the Senate, slavery would be abolished.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    The Fugitive Slave Act encouraged Southern owners to pursue run-away slaves. When free blacks were captured they were punished and were denied the right to a jury or trial. This angered the North which lead to the desire to help blacks through the building of underground railroads.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    The Kansas-Nebraska Act repealed the Missouri Compromise. This act divided both the Whigs and the Northern Democrats over the idea of popular sovereignty. The North was against this because they feared that the majority of the people in the Southern territories would vote to create slave states which would upset the balance in congress.
  • "Bleeding Kansas"

    "Bleeding Kansas"
    A year after popular sovereignty was introduced pro and anti-slavery groups clashed to decide whether or not Kansas should become a free or slave state. Hundreds of men were killed. This was the first time whites are killed over slavery, which only heightens the tension between the North and South.
  • Republican Party Creation

    Republican Party Creation
    The Northern anger of "Bleeding Kansas" lead to the creation of the Republican Party. The main purpose of the party was to keep slavery where it was and to not spread it.
  • Breakdown of Two Party System

    Breakdown of Two Party System
    The parties divided with the Republicans representing the North, and the Democrats representing the South. With the parties going their own way, this proved to be the end of the North and the South working together. Candidates running for president became even more radical to their calls for ending or extending slavery which divided the nation even further.
  • Congressman Preston Brooks Beats Senator Charles Sumner

    Congressman Preston Brooks Beats Senator Charles Sumner
    Congressman Preston Brooks beat Senator Charles Sumner with a cain over the issue of slavery. It shows that even the most civilized members of the country were acting barbaric over the issue of slavery. Since these men were related, it shows that the conflicts between the North and the South were becoming personal.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    The Dred Scott case argued that Congress could not restrict slavery in any territory, which nullified both the Missouri Compromise and Kansas/Nebraska Act. With this ruling the North realized that the South, if given the chance would legalize slavery everywhere. The Republican Party strenthened with hearing this and became more united.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    The creation of Uncle Tom's Cabin had a major impact for both the North and South. The North read about the horrors of slavery which angered them even further. The South was also angered by this book because they were convinced that slavery was not as bad as the book made it out to be. Tempers between the North and South continued to rise.
  • 1858 Illinois Election

    1858 Illinois Election
    Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas engaged in one of the greates debates of all time. Lincoln argued to stop the half slave half free law, while Douglas argued for popular sovereignty. The Republican party was being divided against itself which could hurt it immensely in the long run.
  • John Brown Slave Revolt

    John Brown Slave Revolt
    John Brown attempted to organize a slave revolt in Harper's Ferry, Virginia, which was disastrous. This confirmed the South's suspicion that the North would stop at nothing to free slaves, and supply them with knives to kill their masters. With the failed uprising tensions between the North and South were about to break.
  • 1860 President Election

    1860 President Election
    The extension of slavery was the topic of debate for the election of 1860. Abraham Lincoln won the election due to a larger population in the North. With Lincoln winning the election, the South was forced to make a decision: abandon the union, or face the destruction of slavery. Neither of which would make them go down quietly.
  • The Crittenden Compromise

    The Crittenden Compromise
    The Crittenden Compromise was the last effort to save the Union by returning to the 36' 30' basis between the Norh and South. At this point however, their was no peaceful resolve over the issue of slavery, and it was just delaying the inevitable.
  • Attack at Fort Sumter

    Attack at Fort Sumter
    When Lincoln took over office he only controlled half on the Union. By Febuary 1861 seven states had already seceded from the Union. The North was trying to re-supply the Harbor of Charleston even though it was in Southern territory. This gave the South two options: attack or be cowards for not fighting. The South decided to attack which opened up the fighting between the North and South. The attack at Fort Sumter was the last straw that starts the Civil War.