Road to the Revolution Timeline/Notes

  • Colonists Move West Of The Appalachian Mountains*

    This was the effect of the Proclamation of 1763. Colonists became angry and moved west ignoring the proclamation because owning land was important to the colonists. unrest-o-meter 4.5
    they fought back by crossing over the Appalachian mountains. They did have protests against but it was still physical as they crossed over to the west of the mountains.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    The Proclamation of 1763 was publicized by the British at the end of the French and Indian War to pacify Native Americans by blocking off the Appalachian Mountains.
    cause: they did not want to risk getting into another war
    effect: the proclamation line of 1763 was made
    Britain: king George III passed this law
    Americans: did not follow along with it and moved west anyways
    Unrest-O-Meter - 6
    they did not follow orders and there were guards at the line who they fought(not 100% ab that)
  • Paxton boys

    1763 Vigilante group from scot-Irish colonists, which formed after the French and Indian war.
    Cause: When the colonists move west of the mountains they want to have more land than they did before.
    Effect: called out
    British actions: proclamation has been published and causes the Paxton boys to be west of the mountains
    American actions: The Paxton boys killed 20 native Americans but were not punished.
    unrest-o-meter 7.5
    a group of almost 60 men, they were an aggressive group as they killed 20 N/A
  • sugar act

    Britain's way of trying to end the smuggling of all white sugars, molasses, and more (charged sixpence ).
    Cause: more ways Britain was paying for their protection after the french and Indian war.
    effect: colonists were mad and protested this taxation.
    Britain: need other ways to pay for the french and Indian war
    Americans: started protests because of this and continued to smuggle in sugars
    Unrest-o-meter - 5.5
    they had protests and verbal protest
  • currency act

    prohibited colonial assemblies from printing their own paper currency.
    Cause: needed more tax revenue from the colonists
    Effect: "No taxation without representation" they debated with the British as to why they need representation.
    British Actions: parliament passed this along with the stamp act and the supply of money became restricted.
    American actions: debated against each other
    unrest-o-meter 4.5
    colonists were upset and had verbal unrest but they did not have physical unrest
  • colonists boycott British goods

    The first colonial boycott started in New York in 1765.
    Cause: the taxation
    Effect: boycotting goods as a form of protest.
    British: threatens and says they need to disband
    American: stays boycotting and does it again when the daughters of liberty come into place
    unrest-o-meter 6.5
    well-organized protest that doesn't have violence.
  • Daughter of liberty

    the alternate version of the sons of liberty, that fought for boycotting goods.
    Cause: stamp act was put into place
    Effect: daughters of liberty formed to protest the sugar act and then once again protest the Townshend acts later.
    American: boycotted many British goods.
    unrest-o-meter 6.5
    it was a well organized group that boycotted the goods of Britain.
  • Stamp act**

    The British taxed all paper goods, to help pay for British troops stationed in the colonies during the Seven Years' War. The colonists were not happy and had a more violent reaction to this. unrest-o-meter 8
    they destroyed the stamp distributors house and did this until midnight, they put a stuffed image on a tree and called it the liberty tree, which they showed resistance against the British
  • Quartering Act

    The Quartering Act was the act that made colonists give soldiers homes and provide them with anything they needed
    Cause: this act was once again the money to help afford the costs of the french and Indian war.
    British actions: British parliament put this act into place
    American efforts: they could not do anything but they were angry and did not want to pay for the British soldiers.
    unrest-o-meter 3
    they could not do anything but they did not like the idea of it and they would meet to discuss it
  • Virginia resolves

    The Virginia House of Burgesses had a series of resolutions passed in response to the Stamp Act.
    Cause: Stamp Act caused Virginia to revolt.
    Effect: the resolves would then say that Virginia is its own independent state from the crown.
    British: put more taxation
    American: Virginia met up to go against the Stamp Act.
  • Sons of Liberty

    the sons of liberty were an unorganized group that was against Britain. they fought against taxation from Britain.
    Cause: the stamp act
    Effect: the Sons of liberty were formed and they had protests(sometimes violent)
    British Actions:
    American actions: helped start the planning of the Boston tea party, and other protests. unrest-o-meter 6.5
    the sons of liberty forming was a way of protesting and they had violent protests and were psychical and verbal unrest.
  • stamp act congress

    Petitioned Britain to repeal the stamp act, 27 delegates from 9 colonies.
    Cause: Wanted the stamp act repealed and met because they wanted what they deserved as British citizens.
    Effect: repealed the stamp and sugar act
    British: Parliament repealed the stamp act but passed the declaratory Act
    American: this caused them to gather around and they prepared a protest of the Stamp Act to Britain.
    Unrest-o-meter 4.5
    highly organized protests, 27 delegates from 9 colonies
  • Regulator Movement

    an uprising in Provincial North Carolina between 1766 and 1771 during which people used force against corrupt colonial rulers.
    Cause: the paxton boys ideas
    Effect: started the regulator movement
    American: believed that royal government officials were charging them excessive fees, falsifying records, and engaging in other mistreatments.
    unrest-o-meter 7
    organized uproaring that was a form of protest.
  • Declaratory Act

    Put into place right after the stamp act which gave parliament the right to pass anything it wanted in the colonies.
    Cause: The colonist wanted the stamp act out.
    Effect: they put the declaratory act into place but did not have an effect.
    British actions- gave themselves the right to pass any law
    American actions: did not do anything until the Townshend acts comes into place
    unrest-o-meter - 2.5
    no visible unrest but some people were upset with it(many did not care until the Townshend acts)
  • Townshend duties

    Tax on glass led, tea, and painters' color and paper, main things from other countries
    Cause: Britain still needed money to help pay, they needed to find a way to tax the colonies
    Effect: angered the colonists
    British: put this tax on to help pay for more
    Americans: boycotted British goods and more violence occurred. Unrest-o-meter 7
    it became violent after the Townshend acts were publicized
  • Boston Massacre

    British soldiers shot 5 people in a crowd of a couple of hundred people because they had verbal unrest.
    Cause: Colonists arguing the British
    effect: 8 people were shot and wounded. there was a trial.
    British actions: shot 8 people because of bickering
    American actions: having a verbal protest against the British
    Unrest-o-meter 8.5
    it was a protest that turned violent and causes 8 people to die. there were a couple of hundred people there.
  • Gaspee Incident

    Colonists burnt down the HMS Gaspee as a way of revolting
    Cause: The Sugar Tax of 1764 and its impact on the inhabitants of Rhodes Island.
    Effect: an act of open civil defiance of British authority
    British: Put all these taxes in place causing this to happen
    American: burnt down the gaspee
    unrest-o-meter: 7
    violent due to the sugar act and well organized.
  • Committees of correspondence

    In 1772, formed when they vote to establish a committee
    cause: governors, judges, and high officials would be paid by the crown
    effect: Colonists felt this would threaten colonists right to fair trials if it were to be from the British
    British: want to pay for the high officials in the Massachusetts bay colony
    American: did not want this to happen and created the committees of correspondence
    unrest-o-meter 5
    they did not have any physical unrest. they had verbal unrest instead
  • tea act

    the act that led the east India company to directly ship to tea to the colonies instead of England.
    Cause: needed to save east India company
    Effect: colonists not allowed to buy from anywhere else.
    British: had a monopoly situation
    American: this leads to the Boston Tea Party
    unrest-o-meter 6
    this leads to the Boston tea party which had a big impact on the colonies and Britain.
  • Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party was a politcal protest that happened on decmeber 16th at Griffin's Wharf in Boston, Massachusetts
    Cause: colonists upset by the tea act
    Effect : intolerable acts where passed
    British actions: the taxation on basically everything
    American actions :dumped 432 chests of tea and dressed as indians unrest -o-meter 10
    this was a violent protest that happened due to the taxations
  • Intolerable Acts*

    series of laws formed because of the Boston tea party
    Cause: the effect of the Boston tea party.
    Effect: many colonists gathered into militias
    British: another version of the quartering act
    Americans: armed themselves and vowed to protect themselves from the British government
    unrest-o-meter 5/6
    they were becoming organized and they armed themselves to fight against the british soldiers
  • Quebec Act

    allowed the french to have more power and jobs in government.
    Cause: Britain needed the loyalty of the french
    Effect: gave the french freedom and property rights.
    British: gaining the loyalty of the french
    American: The Act granted British control over colonial government, land distribution, and religion in North America and they got mad
    unrest-o-meter: 4.5
  • First Continental Congress

    The first continental congress was a meeting of all but one state (Georgia), they discussed the intolerable acts
    Cause: intolerable acts
    British responded by repealing the stamp and Townshend acts.
    American actions: the 12 delegates except for Georgia
    unrest-o-meter 5.5
    there was no physical protests but they met to discuss the British actions and this is showing a verbal protest
  • Lexington And Concord

    two battles fought on the same day that were the start into the revolutionary war.
    Cause: The soldiers moved closer to Lexington and Concord to seize their militias
    Effect: the battle took place that has been foreseen for years
    British: fought and won
    American: lost against the british
    unrest-o-meter 9.5
    this is the first time we see a full-on battle with colonists and British soldiers. this just proves that the unrest was finally going overboard and to the point colonists didn't stand for it.
  • Declaration of Independence

    This document was to show that we are free and independent states, Thomas Jefferson writes the Declaration of Independence, and it was officially approved by congress on July 4th
    Cause: Everything that happened had been unfair to the colonists and they needed freedom
    Effect: They wrote the Declaration of Independence
    British actions: they did nothing but try to dismiss it
    American actions: we become our own states.
    unrest-o-meter 4
    no physical violence or protest but they fought for independence