Road to the Revolution

By 83867
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    This caused an uproar from the colonists and was a very big cause for the Revolutionary War. Britain needed the colonists to pay a tax so they could pay off their debt from the war.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre caused the colonists to unite together against Britain, which would eventually lead to the Revolutionary War. The British soldiers shot and killed 5 patriot civilians, which caused many colonists to rebel against Britain.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Some American colonists dressed up at Native Americans and dumped shiploads of tea into the water. This was to protest British tax on tea. This event fueled the hatred between Britain and the colonies. Samuel Adams and some patriots were involved.
  • Creation of the First Continental Congress

    Creation of the First Continental Congress
    This was to resist Parliament. The colonists wanted to boycott Britain's goods unless Parliament rescinded the Intolerable Acts.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    As the first military conflict with America and Britain, American suffered the losses of many minutemen but were able to come out victorious.
  • Creation of the Second Continental Congress

    Creation of the Second Continental Congress
    The colonies appointing ambassadors, issuing paper currency, and finding generals for their army. Thomas Jefferson was involved with these acts.