Jan 1, 1215
Magna Carta
This was a document signed by King John I of England in Runnymede. This document established that the king would respect feudal rights and respect other freedoms like the freedom of church. This document led to many other ideas for future constitiutions and laws. -
Mayflower Compact
Additonal Info on MC This was a document set up to protect the Pilgrams that came to the new world from other outside forces. This prevented dissent amongst Puritans and non-separatist Pilgrams. -
Petition of Rights
The Petiton of Rights is a major document which says that the king is Prihibted from infringing. This was passed by the Parliment in may 1628 and get the royal assent in june from CHARLES I. -
English Bill of Rights
This was a set of laws and freedoms set up by the Englishn Parliment. Parliment and the King and Queen signed this document to put it into effect and rights such as having the same life in the new world were established. -
Albany Plan of Union
This was the plan set up by Benjamin Franklin to join together the colonies and agree on issues to become more powerful and stronger as a whole. This never happened at the time bu the famous cartoon of the snake cut up into different pieces with the caption "Join or Die". -
French and Indian War
The French and Indian war was a conflict between the British and the French. Some major battles include the Battle of Quebec, Oswego and Lake George. The ultimate winner of the battle was the British, and after their victory in the war, they began to resent the colonists. -
King George III takes power
King George III took power of Ireland and Great Britain. He ruled for nearly 40 years as the king of Britain. He changed the relationship between the British and the colonies because they conquered the land in the new world that the French had previously owned. This land stretches from the appalachins to the mississippi river. -
Stamp Act
The Stamp Act was a tax established by the British on all printed paper, It resulted in Colonial outrage and protest. -
Boston Massacre
Additonal Info on BM This was an incident that occured in Boston in which British soldiers were being harrased and had rocks thown at them. The soldiers fired into the crowd without orders and killed 5 colonists. Acts such as the Stamp act and the Townshend Acts led to this event occuring. -
Boston tea party
Schoolhouse Rock Tea Party The "Sons of liberty" threw the cargo of a british ship into Boston Harbor in protest of British rule. The British responded to this with the Coercive Acts. -
The Intolerable Acts
These acts were passed by the British as punishment for the Boston Tea Party. The provisions of these acts were: All Boston ports were closed, The British limited the colonists rule, British could house their troops wherever and whenever they pleased, and British officials accused of crimes were tried in Britan. -
First Continental Congress
The major colonies which sent representatives were Pennsylvania and New York. It was held in Carpenters Hall in Philidelphia. As a result of the meating the colonies established their greivences concerning british rule. -
Lexington and Concord
Lexington and Concord are the two battles which started the American revolution. The two major generals of the battle were General Gage and Paul Revere. Paul Rever was a key component in these battles because he alerted the colonists that the british were coming. -
Second continental congress
The second continental congress takes place in Philadelphia, Penyslvania. The ideas came about is to create CONTINENTAL ARMY. The colonial leaders in this congress are Grorge Washington, Thomos Jefferson, John Adams, Ben Franklin -
Declaration Of Indepedence
They announced that the 13 American colonies, then at war with Great Britain regarded themselves as independent states and no longer part of British Empire -
Articles of confedration
The Articles were formally ratified by the states in 1777, but due to the weak government created, a new draft which would become the United States Constitution replaced the Articles in 1789. John Hanson would be the first president under the article -
Start of Constitutional Convention
On this day delegates to the Constitutional Convention begin to assemble in Philadelphia, PA to confront a daunting task and the peaceful overthrow of the new American government which is defined in the Article of Confederation