road to the constitution

By heyyou
  • Jun 12, 1215

    magna carta

    magna carta
    king John signed and placed his seal on this document binding him to the rules it laid forth. it was signed and made official at a field in runnymede. the magna carta was meant to protect the rights of the early english in matters of property.
  • Mayflower compact

    Mayflower compact
    the mayflower compact stated that the laws and governmental office and a constitution would be put in place in the new colony.
  • English Bill of rights

    English Bill of rights
    the prince and princess of orannge william and orange william and mary signed the document. the document reinforced some of the points made on earlier documents such as the magna carta. the right to property legal due process the election rather than appointment of officials and representatives to parliment and the king could not create or dismiss laws as he himself sees fit.
  • French Indian war

    French Indian war
    in the french and indian war the indian tribes that were allied with the french fought against the british and colonial forces. after the refusal by the french to leave the string of forts they wer building on british land Lt. Colonel George washington returned with a full regiment of troops and defeated the french in the ohio valley the british eventually won the war and officialy expanded their borders
  • albany plan of union

    albany plan of union
    english officials suggested a union between royal prprietary and charter governments the agreement was never made official. the political cartoon constisting of a snake cut into thirteen pieces by benjamin franklin that is famously assosiated with this event.
  • king george the third takes power

    king george the third takes power
    after defeating the freanch in the 7 years war the colonies were proud to be british but these feelings were dispelled when large amounts of taxes began to be imposed
  • boston massacre

    boston massacre
    at the boston massacre 5 colonists were killed. after rising tensions from troop quartering and large taxes
  • boston tea party

    boston tea party
    patriots dressed as mohawk indians stormed the harbor and threw all the tea from the east india company ships into the harbor after word spread other patriots followed suit. after this the british decided to blockade the boston harbor until the tea was paid for in full
  • first continental congress

    first continental congress
    Patrick Henry, George Washington, John Adams, and John Jay were some of those ovolved within the first continental congress. the body of people drafted a letter to the british government stating ma y grievances in which they thought were unfair. the meeting took place at carpenters hall