Sep 23, 1215
Magna Carta
The first written constitution in European History in which many of the clauses concerned property rights. The document was signed by King John at Runnymede in Egham, Surrey, South England. The document also freed the church from Royal interference and gave citizens the right to due process. -
Mayflower Compact
The first written framework of government for the United States. The document was signed on the Mayflower during its voyage to America. It was Drafted to prevent dissent between Pilgrims and Puritans. -
Petition of Rights
The petition worked to restrict the use of maarshall law. It also placed restrictions on Non-Parlimentary taxation. The document allowed for citiens to not allow soldiers to billet in their homes without permission. The petition was signed by Charles I. -
English Bill of Rights
Influenced the Bill of Rights, enacted by the English Parliament. Signed into law by King William II. One of the fundemental documents of English Constitutional law. Subjects whcih are protestants may have arms for their defence suitable to their conditions and as allowed by law. -
French and Indian War
George Washington tried to take over For Duquesne in 1755 only to be defeated. The British took over Montreal. Battle of Jumonville Glen in 1754, the British ultimately won this conflict, claimed as dominant colonial power. Tanaghrisson, member of the Iroquois League became a Chief, labeled "Half King" -
Albany Plan of Union
Plan to place British North American colonies under more centralized government. The plan was suggested by Ben Franklin and was rejected. The popular political cartoon titled "Join or Die" was made by Ben Franklin. -
King George III Takes Power
Worked for an expidited end to the 7 year war, which forced his influential war minister William Pitt the the elder to resign in 1761. George appointed Lord Brute as his prime minister, the first in a quick succession of five ineffective ministers. Introduced the Stamp Act which was a way of raising revenue. -
Stamp Act
Stamp Act VideoEvery piece of printed paper, ships paper, documents, licenses, newspapers, ect.were taxed. The law was offensive because taxes were never used to raise money, they were used as measures to regulate commerce. This was viewed by colionists as a attempt to raise money in colonies without approval of the colonial legislature. -
Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre was the killing of 5 colonists by british regulars on March 5th 1770 because of the growing tension casued by the heavy tax burden imposed by the Townsend Acts. For example taxes on tea the quartering act of 1765, British troops relocated to Boston which aggrevated citizens. -
Boston Tea Party
The Sons of Liberty were fed up with the British laws and rising taxes on tea and other goods. The group decided to go on board a British ship and dump 342 chests of tea into the Boston Harbor. The British responded by raising the taxes even higher and closing Boston ports. -
First Continental Congress
Held in Carpenter's Hall in Philadelphia, men like George Washington and Patrick Henry attened the event as well as represenatives from the other states. This led to the Declaration of Independence. -
Intolerable Acts
Intolerable ActsCreated by the British after the Boston Tea Party to try and control the colonists. The British discontinued shipping to many Boston ports for periods of time. They created the Massachusetts Government Act to help better regulate the governement in Massachusettes. -
Lexington and Concord
Paul Revere sounded the alarm when they saw hundreda of British troops marching to concord to seize an arms cache. Dawn of April 19th 700 Red Coats arrived in Lexington to 77 militia men. At the end 250 Red Coats were dead and 90 colonists were dead. This proved our strength. -
Second Continental Congress
Took place in Philadelphia and was attened by men like George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson. They created the Continental Army which was led by George Washington and they discussed how they would meet the military presence of the British. -
Declaration of Independence
4th of July "woohoo" is a statement adopted by the Continental Congress, which was announced that the 13 colonies were independant from the British. Formed a new nation that was called The United States of America. -
Articles of Confederation
Articles of ConfederationThe Articles of Confederation were established to show the functions of the National Government. They stopped states from trying to make thier own foreign diplomacies. Named George Washington as the President of the United States. -
The Treaty of Paris
Document that ended the American Revolutionary War. Ben Franklin, John Jay, Henry Laurens, and John Adams represented the United States. United states gained access to the Mississippi River and set a boundarie between the U.S. and British North America. The British recognized the United States as a separate country. -
Start of Constitutional Convention
At the Anapolis Convention delegates from 5 states called a Constitutional Convention to talk about improvements to the Articles of Confederation. The original purpose was to bring all of the states together to write the Constitution.