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Road to the Civil War TImeline

  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    This is the small spark that started all the events that lead into the Civil war
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    The North was mad up of people who were against slavery and wanted to abolish it competely. However the south was made up of farmers, slaveowners, and the slaves themselves. People who were from the south thought slavery was a great thing and wanted to keep it. The Missouri Compormise was a plan to add another state but they did not know wether to add it to the North or the South but they wanted to keep the number of states equal so it would not cause any conflict. This is the start of the Fire.
  • Period: to

    Time between the Missouri Compromise and Nullification Crisis

  • Nullification Crisis

    Nullification Crisis
    Sectionlism was created because of disputes brought in because the souths tariffs. The North created a law that would make new tariff's illegal but the south disargeed with this a fought back with diputtes, this caused sectionlism in disputtes. I choose this picture because the North tried to make creating new tariffs illegal, this is what caused sectionlism.
  • Nullification Crisis

    Nullification Crisis
    This was the second event that led up to the civil war and made the tiny spark turn into a fire on a candle.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    This compromise had 5 parts to it; California was able to join the Union as a free state, they diviede the mexcian territory into 2 states, they extended slave trade into Washington DC, this included stict fugative slave laws, and settled the border dispute between Texas and New Mexico. This created state problems because the North wanted more free states when the south wanted more slave states. The scale shows how the states did not want the amount of free and slaves states not to be.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    This is when the spark got a little bigger because of the disputtes between the amount of free and slave states.
  • Fugative Slave act

    Fugative Slave act
    As the tensions grew the fire grew bigger and the fire grew bigger and soon will lead to the civil war.
  • Fugative Slave Act

    Fugative Slave Act
    Sectionslim was a major key in this act because the people in the North tried hard to keep the run away slaves free but the southerns wanted them back. The north hid slaves and the south hunted for them. Two kids arguing over something is a great way to show the different opinions on what the north and south aswell thought were right.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    The settlers living in these areas got to decide by popular soverighty wether there state (Kansas and Nebraska) would become a free or slave state. People had many protests and arguments before the final decision was made. The south helped the people who wanted slavery and the north helped the people who did not. A voting was done to decide wether for the states to be North or South.
  • Kansas- Nebraska Act

    Kansas- Nebraska Act
    As the Kansas-Nebraska act happens the time heads closer to the civil war and the fire gets even bigger.
  • Start of the Repubican Party

    Start of the Repubican Party
    Northerns wanted this party because it would give them a party for their anit slaveyr bliefes. However the south fought againdt this because they were foreslavery and did not want this party to be created. The north and south joined forces and fought about the decion which created sectionlism. A road with 2 ways shows how the goverment could decide on what to do.
  • Start of the Rebulican Party

    Start of the Rebulican Party
    Sectionlism played a big role in the creation of political parties which caused the time to shorten to the civil war and the fire to become bigger with more tension and growing sectionslism.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    Peope who were anti-slavery, the North, and peope who were pro-slavery, the south, had arguments because people who were for slavery raided an anti-slavery town and created sectionlism and fights between the North and South. A no trespassing sign represents Bleeding Kansas because anti slavery people went onto someone elses property and raided a town, with people who had the opisite thoughts on slavery.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    People from the North supported that Scott should be free because he was moved into states where slavery was not allowed. But people in the south said he is not free because slaves were claimed to be "property" so therefore Scott was to move where ever the owner moved and was to continue to be a slave. A house is like someones property and they own it just like Scott was considered to be.
  • Dred Scott decision

    This created more tension between the North and South and made the fire bigger.
  • Raid on Hapers Farry

    Raid on Hapers Farry
    People coming from the south traveled up to the North to attack. They did this because of slavery. This caused great tension between the slave and free states because of how the each had an opinion on the act of slavery. A warehouse is where John Brown went with enslaved people to plan an attack on the North, start a revolt, and rob the warehouse of all their weapons.
  • Raid on Harpers Ferry

    Raid on Harpers Ferry
    As the tension grew between the North and SOuth it causes sectionlism. The free and slave states did not agree and many of the conflicts started out because of opinions on slavery. This is half way point of the fire and the Civil war.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    Since they created a polictical party for the North and the South it caused problems. At first the southerners wanted a party to support there rights with slavery whcih caused sectionlism because the North wanted a party or the south to not have a party. Both North and South ended up gaining a party but it took a lot of sectionlism and tension because the belifes of people with slavery. Since the south wanted a party the north had to have one too, this chart shows how North and South wanted it.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    After ther election things were at good times until the parties collited. This was the last even before the civil war and the fire is broke out and growing rapidly before the war starts.